5. Blue Ring City

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Chapter Five - Blue Ring City

~~~Lynthia Village Chapel~~~

“That was amazing little Wei!” Xian Wu hugs Yi Wei and excitedly recalls what she saw. “You were like BAM! And he was like OW! And omigod you are so awesome!” Yi Wei shrugs and smiles at her words, his self-image not as great as the one she presents him. Ling Tai approaches him and pulls him to the side. “Where are your parents?” Yi Wei shakes for a moment before growing cold, his memory finally stabbing him.

“I remember them disappearing when we learned we were under siege, something about scouting.” Ling Tai nods slowly and confirms the memory, “I would not worry, your parents are miraculous figures on our continent. When you grow older you will understand.” Yi Wei nods in response. Ling Tai suddenly suggests something,

“How about we move all of you to our House of Everfall? Surely they will come back for more with much, much more power.” Yi Wei shakes his head quickly, “There’s no way they’d agree to that, our Patriarch died here, they will defend this sacred location to the death.” A solemn air fills the room and Ling Tai suggests another idea, “Perhaps, we can protect this place? The only condition is that you must come with me to our House of Everfall. We will then officially make Lynthia Village our ally, then no one would dare attack your family.” Yi Wei considers this and nods his head energetically, “Perfect, then it’s a deal.” The two begin walking back to the party, anticipation for the next day fills Yi Wei. “We will leave at dawn tomorrow.”

~~~The Next Day~~~

Cold morning air assaults Yi Wei as he steps outside his parent's house. The Sun shines gently down on the village center, a large crowd is gathered in a circle. Ling Tai waits patiently by a luxurious carriage with Ling Mei his wife. Yi Wei appears before the crowd, and they cheer happily, with some sorrow mixed in. Yi Wei smiles at everyone and bows heavily before them. His heart suddenly feels heavier as the realization that he's really leaving sets in.

“I… I will see you all again someday. I will return and make you all proud!” Xian Wu walks up to him slowly, deliberate with every step. She opens her mouth to speak but can't seem to find the words for the situation. “...” She shakes her head roughly and straightens her posture with a smile on her face. “You're not leaving without me you know.” Yi Wei looks at her for a second before glancing back at Ling Tai. The latter gives him a nod of affirmation. He looks at Xian Wu again, this time a little more confident about leaving the village. He gives her a bright smile and turns to walk with her to the carriage. “I wouldn't have it any other way.” Ling Tai opens the rear carriage door and closes it when the two board. He then proceeds to step into the front carriage door with his wife and Ling Mei. Yi Wei and Xian Wu look around the inside of the carriage, amazed at the openness and room there is inside. “It's like we have a whole room in here!” Yi Wei glances to the side of the carriage and chokes upon seeing the presence of only one bed. Xian Wu turns slightly to see what he sees and has a similar reaction. “What kind of joke is this?” Yi Wei laughs and grabs one of the pillows off the bed, as well as a blanket. “I'll take the floor, you can have the bed.” Xian Wu smiles at his courtesy and sits on the edge of the bed. Yi Wei sits beside her and the two begin their wondrous journey into the world.

~~~Three days later~~~

The carriage comes to a sudden stop, jolting Yi Wei awake. Xian Wu sits up on the bed and yawns, the blanket rolling backwards with the motion. “We’re already there?” She yawns again and swings her legs off the side of the bed.

Yi Wei looks at his attire and suddenly realizes something, “We forgot to pack clothes? We didn’t pack anything come to think of it…” Xian Wu stares at him for a moment and finally catches onto his words, pursing her lips. “We must go clothes shopping then, not like that’s a problem. We brought money right?” He shakes his head in response to her question. “It’s alright, surely we can earn money at Everfall.” The carriage door opens as the words leave his lips and the two step out, onto a decorative stone street. Their immediate surroundings consist of a blacksmith shop across the street, a jewelers beside it, along with several other small shop buildings and a much larger building behind them. Yi Wei glances at Ling Tai and the latter explains. “This is not Everfall, this is in fact Blue Ring City, just outside our Everfall borders. This is where you’ll be staying temporarily while we admit you both into our school.” Yi Wei nods at him and looks to Xian Wu, “Where should we stay then Xian Wu?” She smiles and looks at the several inns and hotels. “How can we even afford a box? We brought no money little Wei.” Ling Tai laughs at her words and tosses Yi Wei a small pouch. He looks inside it, revealing five silver coins. “Five silvers is enough for five nights, which is about how long you’ll be here. I’ll hurry with the admission so don’t get too attached.” Ling Tai boards the carriage once again and it speeds off in the direction of Everfall. Xian Wu points at a building suddenly and Yi Wei quickly follows her finger. The building she indicated looked extremely luxurious, red and pink decorations covered the outside. Double doors with an intricate shape for the handles sit in the center of the building. A large sign that reads, “Fire Dove” captures his attention. “Since you want this one, then let’s go.” The two walk into the building and are greeted by a woman at the door. Neither of them catch the strange gaze thrown at them by her, nor the weird looks from the people outside the building. The woman at the desk waves at them and they approach her with synchronized steps. She hesitates before speaking momentarily, but inwardly decides to.

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