Chapter 3 - How to Make it Better

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Jungkook moved back fast, pushing at my chest, eyes opened wide and staring at me as if he were lost. I couldn't move. I was frozen solid... what had I done!?

"H-Hyung??", he stuttered out in a broken voice.

I didn't say a word, my mouth opened, but nothing came out. In my panic, I flew out of bed and ran to the bathroom, locking myself in. What was I going to do now? Running away probably only made it worse! Why didn't I just say I was dreaming and acted in my sleep??

After only a moment, there was a soft knock at the door.

"Hyung?", he knocked again, "Jimin-hyung!"

"I'm sorry, Jungkook! It was an accident! Leave me alone, I'm embarrassed enough!"

"Come out, hyung."

"Not a chance!"

"Then I'm coming in..."

"NO!", I lunged at the door and clicked the lock. "I can't face you right now!" What WAS I going to do?? I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever! We live together, I would eventually have to see him.

"Can we talk about it then?"

"NO!! Please, I'm sorry. Forget it happened, I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"Mmm, if that's what you want, hyung... I can't argue with my elder. Come out when you are ready, I'm going to get some breakfast."

"Okay...", it was all I could say. I really fucked up bad. I wonder if one of the guys would be willing to trade rooms with me? I probably shouldn't stay with him anymore.

I stayed in the bathroom for I don't know how long. When I was sure he was off, busy doing something, I snuck out and down the hall to Namjoon's room.

"Hyung?", I knocked at his door.

The door opened and instead of Namjoon, I was met with Seokjin. "What's wrong, Jimin? You look troubled."

"Yeah... I'm having a problem. Where is Namjoon-hyung? I need to change rooms with someone, I don't care who."

"Change rooms? Are you and Jungkook fighting?"

"Not exactly, but... it's complicated."

"You shouldn't run from your problems, it's best to talk it out with him."

"I know, hyung, thank you. I'll try.", I lied, I didn't want to talk it out, I just wanted Namjoon to assign me to a new room.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok had gone to the studio to record, so for the rest of the day I secluded myself in the practice hall to dance out my frustrations. When I danced, nothing else bothered me. Not loneliness, not pain, not even Jungkook. My mind was clear, focused only on the movements of my body. I was free in here. The cage came slamming down on me fast though when Jungkook walked in and found me. Before I noticed him, he was beside me, dancing; keeping perfect rhythm with me. When I saw him, I fell to the floor hard.

"Jimin-hyung! Are you okay!?"

"I-I'm fine... I'm sorry, I have to go...", it was the wrong move again, but I ran.

For days I avoided him. I'd go to bed early and pretend to be asleep when he came in. He stayed in his own bed, so I'm sure he thought I was weird now.



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