Chapter III

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Yao and Ivan were saying their goodbyes before they start to head back to their respective kingdoms.

"Thank you so much, one again Ivan." Yao thanks the Russian King of Clubs.

"For you sunflower, anything." Ivan responds kissing Yao's forehead. "Meet you here in another three months, alright sunflower? I'll write you if I spot the Queen of Spades." He says hopping onto his horse.

"Alright. Once again, thank you. I'll see you in three months." Yao says getting onto his own horse. They each wave to each other before riding into their kingdoms, only returning after a two day ride.

Once Yao returns, Alfred greets him. "The Heart Kingdom has given us permission to search their land or the queen. I say we start next week, giving us time to do paperwork and tend to anything within our kingdom first."

Yao nods in agreement. "That sounds like it will work nicely. But who will watch the castle while we're gone?"

"You are. Matthew and I will search the Heart Kingdom for a week and you'll stay here. Is that understood Yao?"

"B-but your highness-" Yao starts to be cut off by Alfred.

"Please Yao, if  I were going on a trip, I'd have the queen take charge... But they aren't here, so I turn to you, my trusted jack. Please stay, and don't make this harder than it has to be..." Alfred explains.

"Ai-yah... Yes your highness." Yao lets out as a sigh. "What shall you have me do while you're gone?"

"Just what you usually do." Alfred says with a small smile. "Thank you Yao, I truly appreciate it. I'll be in my study if you need me." Alfred says and walks to his study. Yao nods and goes to his own office, starting on the stack of paperwork that has piled up.

Arthur looks at the invitation he has received. It was from King Francis, what did the diamondian king want with him? He lets out a small sigh and open up the letter. He was shocked to see that it was only an invitation to meet up for tea at the palace. He let out a sigh, he'd never hear the end of it if he refused the invitation. It's not that he hates the French King of Diamonds, he just wanted to be at the house for his family.

Allistor walks up behind Arthur and peeps at the invitation. "Tea with the king ey?" Allistor says making Arthur jump.

"What the hell you wanker?!?!" Arthur turns around to face his older brother. "Don't you know it's rude to read invitations that aren't yours?"

"Yeah, but you're my lil brother, so it gives me the rights to do these things." Allistor responds with a lazy smirk upon his face.

"No it doesn't you git!!" Arthur retorts huffing out in anger.

"Eh, who cares." Allistor says with a shrug. "Well, shouldn't you be going?"

Arthur lets out a sigh. "Yeah, can you tell Dylan where I'm headed once he gets back?" Allistor nods in response.

"Sure thing Artie. See you when you get back." Allistor says shooing him out of the house. Arthur leaves the house and starts to head to the royal palace.

Upon arriving at the royal palace of the Diamond Kingdom, the guards ask Arthur for his purpose here. Arthur shows them the invitation from King Francis and they let him in immediately. Inside Basch was waiting for the guest to arrive impatiently.

"You're late." Basch says upon seeing Arthur.

Arthur was baffled. "W-what? There wasn't a time stamp on the letter though..."

"I don't care. King Bonnefoy had me waiting here the whole day for you. Now let's go, he's been impatient." Basch says and starts to lead Arthur down the halls of the diamondian castle. Arthur doesn't bother to say anything else, following Basch. Arthur felt a little bad for the jack, just because Francis made him wait there all day just for Arthur's arrival. They arrive at a door and Basch knocks on it before he opens it, letting Arthur into the room.

"Bonjour ma chérie~." Francis greets Arthur as he walks into the room and the door is shut behind him. "I'm so glad you could make it." Francis smiles and pats the cushion on the loveseat next him. "Come have a seat~."

Arthur hesitantly walks over to the loveseat and sits next to Francis. "Ello, your highness. Why did you invite me here exactly?" Arthur asks looking over to Francis.

"Don't be shy mon amour~ I simply wanted to have tea with you, non?" Francis says looking over to Arthur who blushed at Francis' words. "Also~ feel free to call me Francis when we are alone ma chérie~." He offers, making Arthur's face grow a darker shade of red.

"I-I think I'll pass your highness, it'd be awkward for me to call by your first name..." Arthur kindly rejects Francis' offer/request.

"Oh? But why not? I wish for you to call me that, so you should. I am your king after all~." Francis responds with a dark smirk, and a slightly threatening voice.

"R-right your highness- u-uh, F-Francis... Sorry." Arthur bows his head slightly in apology.

Francis smiles. "Now that's settled, let's drink the tea, non~?"

Arthur nods hesitantly. "Y-yeah, lets." Arthur agrees. Francis then proceed to ring a bell and a maid rushes in, quickly, but delicately pours the tea for both of the men. The maid then leave quietly, having left the teapot in the room in case either wanted more.

"There we go. This is rose tea, one of my favourites. There is plenty of health benefits to it and a wonderful fragrance~." Francis says taking a sip of his tea. "Go on, give a try ma chéri~."

"R-right." Arthur knew about rose tea for a while. It used to be available to the public, but now only royals can drink it. Arthur delicately picks up the teacup and takes a small sip of the tea, savouring it's taste.

"How is it ma chéri~?" Francis asks.

"It's really good. Thank you for sharing it with me." Arthur thanks Francis, who nods in delite.

"Oui~ Anything for ma chéri~."

After a couple of hours of the two conversing. It was mainly Francis trying to get Arthur to talk about his life. Though whenever Arthur would say something, it was usually short and undescriptive, and then Francis always managing to one up him by telling long stories. Arthur looks out the window.

"I should probably get going. It's pretty late." Arthur says, standing up and starting to head to the door of the room. Before he could open it though, Francis grabs his wrist.

"How about you stay here for the night~? Take it as payment for keep you 'ere so long." Francis says.

Arthur lets out a breathy sigh and ndos. "Alright, fine. Thank you for letting me stay, your- Francis." Francis nods and leads him to the guest room before heading to his before retiring for the night.

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