Chapter V

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Arthur awakes in an unknown bed with one arm chained to the wall. He started to internally freak out. 'Oh god, oh gods. I should've taken the jack's warning with more caution. Then maybe I wouldn't be here...' Arthur thought to himself before trying to calm himself down so when the time comes he could think rationally. 'Wait. I can just try and use magic to break the chains.' He then proceeds to cast a spell that would break normal chains, the chain holding him didn't even have a crack in it after the spell. They were magic proof chains. Arthur lets out a long sigh, knowing it wouldn't work, but it was definitely worth trying.

Arthur thought on what he could do a bit longer, knowing he had to hurry before King Bonnefoy check in on him, assuming that he would. He knows that Basch won't help him anymore and that he did as much as he could without fully backstabbing the king. 'But who else within the kingdom walls could help me?' Arthur thinks for a little while before recalling that his brother works at the kingdom now.

"Jett!" Arthur calls out to his brother telepathically.

"What is it Artie?" Jett responds a little more than annoyed that his brother was interrupting his work.

"Oh, thank god you responded. I need your help-"

"With what? Cooking? Listen I'm busy with work ask-"

"Not with cooking! King Bonnefoy is holding me captive in the palace!"


"Look, I'm chained up to a wall in one of the rooms with magic proof chains, you're the only one I could think of that could help me since you're close to the king. Please Jett. If I don't get out of here and quick I'm sure many bad things are heading to the Diamond Kingdom. Please Jett, I really need your help." Arthur requests of his brother urgently.

There was a long pause on Jett's end, a silence that felt that it lasted a few hours when it was only a few minutes. "Fine. I'll help you. You are my brother, I'll help you out of there. But you have to give me a day or so because I need to locate you and make sure that King Francis doesn't become suspicious. Alright?"

"Yes. That'll work. Thank you, Jett." Arthur thanks his brother.

"Anytime Artie. Just contact me like this if anything bad happens, alright?"

"I will." Arthur lets out a sigh of relief and the mental link between Jett and him fades, leaving Arthur alone to his thoughts.

Back in the Spade Kingdom, King Alfred was talking to his ace. "Matthew, we've found the queen." Alfred starts the conversation.

"Really? Where did you locate them your highness?" Matthew questions, kinda excited.

"They are inside the Diamond Kingdom's castle..."

"What? But how?"

"I don't know Matthew, but we have to rescue them and soon. I don't think I can do this on my own anymore..." Alfred replies. Matthew nods in agreement noticing Alfred's messy appearance. Alfred's hair was messier than usual, his clothes looked more crinkled, and the slight dark circles forming under his eyes. He needed a break, and it was more than obvious to anyone who lived in the palace.

"What shall we do about it though, your highness? I don't think our economy is stable enough to provide for a war, even if it was to get back the queen." Matthew asks Alfred for his opinions.

"I don't know... I would say we try to break in with just us two, leaving Yao in charge of the kingdom... but I don't know how two people could successfully invade a single kingdom." Alfred lets out a sigh. "Also, I agree, we want to avoid starting a war at any cost."

"Oui. Maybe we could get the Ace of Hearts, Lovino, to aid us? Maybe even get Gilbert in on it too?" Matthew suggests.

"I don't know about Gilbert. Though I'm pretty sure that the hearts will want to stay out of this at all costs-" Alfred starts t o say when Yao came rushing in.

"Your highness! I've received word from King Ivan!" Yao says slightly excited.

"Why would Ivan reach out to me?" Alfred asks slightly suspiciously.

"That will be for another time your highness. King Ivan was the one who informed me originally of where the Queen of Spades is..." Yao starts off shyly.

"Yeah? Alright continue." Alfred lets out a sigh, knowing he'd have to talk to Yao about it later.

"Anyways, he said he lend us the ears of his ace, Antonio. The Ace of Clubs is close to the new Ace of Diamonds apparently." Yao says hopefully.

"Why would he though? Isn't King Ivan allied to King Francis? If Ivan was helping us, then wouldn't that mean he's betraying his ally and make him unreliable?" Matthew pipes up into the conversation.

Yao looks at Matthew with a slightly shocked expression. "Ai-yah... That's a good point... but it doesn't make him unreliable." Yao defends Ivan.

"Alright, alright. Calm down you two. We'll trust Ivan until he can't be trusted. Got it?" Alfred basically bargains with the two.

"Oui." Matthew lets out a sigh. "So now we wait?" He questions the other two.

"Yes. That's the only thing we can do now without testing the waters." Alfred confirms. "I'm going to take a break now, I'll be in my room if you need me." Yao and Matthew nod as Alfred walks off into the long hallways of the castle.

Back at the Diamond Kingdom, Arthur waits in the room he couldn't leave, not wanting anyone, except for maybe Jett, to walk through those doors. Arthur tried to stay awake not knowing what would happen if he were to fall asleep. He attempts were futile and Arthur starts to drift off.

The doors to the room open and there stands King Francis. "Bonjour ma chéri~." This naturally wakes up the poor queen with a startle. "Ohonhonhonhonhon~ seems as if someone fell asleep~."

"Shut up! Why are you keeping me here?" Arthur responds, wanting to know the reason as to why Francis would keep him.

"Have you not figured it out~? If the queen is gone for too long from her kingdom, the kingdom will be ran down into the ground, and then that makes it a perfect target for war, considering they can't fight back too much~." Francis says with a smirks on his face. "Also~ I think I 'ave grown attached to you~."

Arthur was insulted, shocked, and pissed all at the same time. "Well too bad. I don't quite care for you. That's the hard to swallow truth."

"But that doesn't matter when you aren't able to escape from me, now does it?" Francis retorts before changing into his nightgown, before getting into the bed and forcing a struggling Arthur to cuddle with him.

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