Chapter VI

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Arthur wakes up with a start, still in the French king's arms. He struggles to get out of his arms, but all of his attempts are futile as the king tightens his grip around Arthur. Arthur lets out an annoyed groan when Basch knocks on the door and walks in.

"Your majesty, time to wake up." Basch says as he walks over to the windows and opens up the curtains. Basch spares a sympathetic glance at Arthur before going over to the king and shaking him. "Oi. I said wake up."

Francis groans and groggily sits up. "Huh, why are you waking me up Basch? This is the maid's job, not yours..."

"Well the maid quit last night, so we haven't found time to replace her. Now get your lazy butt up and moving. You have a meeting with the clubs again. Remember?" Basch says, clearly annoyed with Francis' questions.

"Oui. I'll be there in a minute, I need to get ready." Francis responses. Basch nods and leaves the room quickly, leaving Arthur to wonder why Basch didn't question Francis. Francis stretches and looks over to Arthur longingly. "Forgive me for leaving you so early ma chéri." The king then gets up and changes into his royal robes quickly and hurriedly leaves the room.

Arthur looks at the doors in slight confusion. 'Why did he leave so quickly? Not that I want his company anyways, but he seemed to rush out of here, what an odd frog...' Arthur thought to himself. He looks around, there wasn't anything in his reach that could entertain him. Arthur lets out a sigh, he decided to see if he could try to get out of the chains again.

The Ace of Diamonds, Jett, was pondering what he needed to do. He needed to save his brother, he didn't care if he had to lose his position in doing so, family came first for him, even though it was his goal to become an ace. Jett approaches the Ace of Clubs, Antonio.

"Hola~" Antonio greets Jett. "What's on your mi amigo? You look troubled."

"Hello..." Jett replies to Antonio. "I'm just... just very conflicted mate..."

"About what?" Antonio questions, eagerly wanting to see what was bugging the fellow ace.

"Well... King Bonnefoy... He has... my brother hostage." Jett hesitantly replies, trailing off at the end.

"¿¡Que?!" Antonio responds, shock clearly written in his features.

"Yeah... and I don't know what to do about it..."

"Lo siento mi amigo, I see why you're so troubled."

Jett nods in agreement. "What should I do? I need to help him, but how?"

"I don't know..." Antonio trails off. "Should I inform King Braginsky?" Jett's only response to this was a small nod of his head. Antonio nods in response. "I will inform him. I got to go, adios amigo."

"See you later, mate" Jett waves goodbye to Antonio waves and leaves from Jett's sight. Jett lets out a sigh, he was still very distraught at the current situation. The whole Diamond kingdom could crumble because of the fact that the king is holding someone hostage, an innocent member of the kingdom in that case. King Bonneyfoy was holding someone hostage for his own selfish reasons.

Arthur tries once again to try and get ahold of Jett telepathically. "Jett are you there."

"Yes Arthur? Anything happen?"

"Thankfully not yet, but he seems to be losing his patience and I don't know when he might just be done with me being so stubborn..."

Jett lets out a sigh. "I... I don't know what to tell you, but I am trying to help you, but it's hard to. You must understand."

"Right. I'm sorry Jett. But thank you." Arthur lets out a sigh "I'll talk to you later then. You must be busy."

"Thank you for understanding. Talk to you later. If he tries anything contact me immediately." With that Arthur loses what little communication he has that isn't the frog.

King Alfred frowns at the plan Yao has thought up. "I don't think that'd be a good idea though. I don't even know what the queen looks like and if they're frozen in time then I won't really be able to locate them."

"Alfred, excuse the informality, but your magic is the strongest in this land. If you freeze time, you won't freeze the queen of spades. Alright? It's a weird phenomenon, but time and time again kings have frozen time for their own selfish reasons but there queens were always able to stop them." Yao tries to reassure the king. "Besides. If we go with this plan, it will be less likely to start a war between kingdoms... and even if it does, we'll have the queen at that point so we aren't as vulnerable to the post war effects." Alfred lets out a sigh.

"Fine, we'll go along with that plan. I want you to warn the Heart Kingdom of what's to happen. We don't want the other two kingdoms to know, because the Clubs could warn the Diamonds and they could possibly execute our queen... They won't be able to tell that it has happened." Alfred ends up going along Yao's plan.

"As you wish your highness." Yao says with a bow and starts to walk off.

"Also Yao-" Yao pauses and looks at Alfred. "Please deliver the message your self... we don't want it to get into the wrong hands. We will start the plan once you return." Yao nods in response and walks off, having a carriage get prepared for him. Alfred sighs and thinks to himself. 'Hopefully King Ludwig won't have too many complaints about this... I wished to never use my magic for this or war purposes, but it can't be helped I suppose.' King Alfred goes to his room and lays down on the bed, contemplating if he is making the right choice.

Within the Diamond Kingdom the Ace, Antonio, was speaking with the King of Clubs. They just got done speaking to king Francis and the other royals. They were discussing when they should attack the Spade and Heart kingdoms.

"Sir Ivan, may I have a word with you?" Antonio asks slightly nervous.

Ivan turns around and looks at the ace. "Da? What is it?"

"I have gotten news that King Bonnefoy is holding a hostage... I don't know the reasoning behind it, but he is holding the Ace of Diamond's brother..." Antonio informs the King of Clubs.

"Is that so? Do have any other information as to why he might be holding him hostage?"

"No your highness."

"This is interesting... I shall investigate it myself, seeing as we will be staying here for a few days." Ivan says with a smile and dismisses the ace.

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