Chapter IX

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"So, what's your name?" Yao asks Arthur trying to make the ride less uncomfortable.

"My n-name's Arthur Kirkland..." Arthur replies, still kinda uncomfortable. "W-why were you near the border? You of course don't have to answer..."

"I am returning from a visit to the Heart Kingdom, why?"

"Oh, well I was just curious... sorry."

"No, it's quite alright. So, how do you like the Diamond Kingdom?"

"I hate it... minus the fact that my family lives there..."

"Why do you hate it?" At this question Arthur is hesitant to answer, he knew this was the Jack of Spades, but what would he think of the Spaidian queen coming from the Diamond Kingdom. "Well?"

"Uhm... well... y-you see... I-I was being held captive in the castle..." Arthur decides to tell him.

"W-wait! What!?" Yao exclaims shocked. "Why would you be held captive by your own king?!?"

"W-well... I'm Kind of in line for royalty for the... Queen of Spades... " Arthur mumbles the very last part so Yao didn't hear him say 'Queen of Spades'.

"Just because your in line for royalty doesn't mean you need to be held captive?" Yao says, but it turns out to be more of a question.

"I'm the next Queen of Spades..." Arthur says clearly this time.



"Show me the mark! I don't believe you."

"I can't, I'm in restraints."

At this, Yao sighs. "I can't believe you until you show me the mark and I'm not going to risk my life for a possible lie.." Arthur lets out his own sigh of defeat. The conversation ends there as Arthur waits for the carriage to get to the kingdom.

Ivan made sure that Arthur got across the Spaidian border. Once he is sure he lets out a sigh, 'I'm doing this for you, my sunflower...' Ivan thinks to himself. He would however keep their alliance with Diamond Kingdom, they have been allies for the longest time. King Bonnefoy made a grave mistake but the rest of his kingdom doesn't deserve to go down with him. Ivan thinks with a small malicious grin on his face as he heads back to the Kingdom of Diamonds to talk things out with Francis.

Yao and Arthur make it back to the castle. Yao and the guard who found Arthur escort him into the castle to see the king.

"Your majesty I have returned from my trip to the Kingdom of Hearts. My return was delayed because we found someone from the Kingdom of Diamonds on our side of the border, running deeper into out territory." Yao says with a short bow to the king while the guard forces Arthur to the ground on his knees. The guard the proceeds to bow too.

"Not a problem Yao." Alfred says standing up from his throne and walks over to where Arthur was on the ground. "What's your name?"

"I-I'm Arthur Kirkland, your majesty." Arthur says while looking at the king. Arthur's mouth falls open at he stares at the incredibly hot king, well in Arthur's opinion. Yao looks over and coughs loudly trying to break the brit out of his daze.

Alfred laughs. "It's rude to stare, you know?"

Arthur blushes at this and quickly looks away embarrassed. "S-sorry y-your majesty..." Arthur stutters out. Alfred laughs once again, while Yao gives his king a questioning look.

"So what were you doing in our borders? Running inwards nonetheless." Alfred questions Arthur with a serious look. Arhtur was shocked at how quick the king changed his tone. He went from laughing to serious like.

"I-I was running away from the King of Clubs... King Bonnefoy has been holding me hostage in his room for the past few weeks and King Braginski found out that he was keeping me there even though I was apart of Diamond Kingdom and it was something about their alliance that made King Bonnefoy let me go and King Braginski escorted me out of the castle before chasing me." Arthur tells the whole story in one breath. Both King Alfred and Yao wore expressions of disbelief and shock from the story.

"Is it true you were being held by your own King? If so why?" Alfred asks, secretly casting a truth spell on Arthur.

"Yes, it is. King Bonnefoy locked me in his room because I'm the Queen of Spades." Arthur says effortlessly because of the truth spell. Alfred was shocked, but the other two people in the room didn't believe it.

"Yeah right." Scoffs the guard.

"Do not lie to King Jones!" Yao exclaims.

Alfred puts his hand out, signaling Yao and the guard to not go further. "He is telling the truth. I put a truth spell on him so we could easily get the truth out of him." Alfred says and takes off Arthur's restraints and the truth spell. The guard and Yao both apologise for their rude behaviour to the soon to be queen.

"It's fine. I swear." Arthur says, accepting their apologies. "You really didn't know and I honestly wouldn't have believed myself either." He ends with a small laugh. Yao and the guard nod, thankful that Arthur forgave them.

Alfred dismisses both the guard and Yao, they both leave. "It's a pleasure to meet you my queen, I am Alfred F. Jones. Feel free to address me as you please." Alfred says bowing a little bit. He takes Arthru's hand gently and kisses the top of it lightly. "I apologize for how rude I was to you, I hope you can understand." He says and lets go of Arthur's hand.

"I-it's n-not a p-problem." Arthur says blushing and looks away, flustered.

"I'm glad you understand." Alfred says with a giant grin on his face. "Now let's get you out of those horrid clothes. Then we can plan out your coronation to make you officially the queen." He says holding out a hand for Arthur to take. Arthur takes Alfred's hand gently with a soft smile on his face.

"Of course, Alfred."

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