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Poking at her food, Jamie bites her tongue, not wanting to start an argument with her parents. She's left alone with them, while her brother is out with his friends.

The tension builds between the three before it's broken by the mother. "Where's John?" she snaps. It takes every fiber in Jamie not to jump at her mother's voice. She doesn't voice out her answer, instead giving a simple shrug. "You lousy, selfish fucking brat-" She's silenced with a slap across the face, her husband not liking the sound of her voice.

"Get me another beer!" he yells. The mother obeys obediently, moving quietly. His sight falls on Jamie, who hides behind her hair. "You're nothing. You're even worse than John. You have no balls," last time Jamie checked she was female, "you don't do shit," she kinda has to shit to survive, "and you're even worse than your brother." Okay, that one may have stung a bit. "You look the same but you're just the other one, and more fucked up than him." They like opening up wounds, huh?

"May I be excused?" Jamie asks, keeping her sight on her plate.

"Get out of my sight," he gruffs. She moves quickly but silently, hiding out in her room.

John Bender
judd nelson

Jamie Benderanother bitch

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Jamie Bender
another bitch

Andrew Clarkemilio estevez

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Andrew Clark
emilio estevez

Claire Standishmolly ringwald

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Claire Standish
molly ringwald

Claire Standishmolly ringwald

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Allison Reynolds
ally sheedy

Brian Johnsonanthony michael hall

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Brian Johnson
anthony michael hall

Brian Johnsonanthony michael hall

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boobrelish gave me an idea. For some reason I forgot you gave me this idea and I'm so sorry I hadn't started on this sooner.

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