Chapter 16: Making Amends

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It took her awhile to find Prince Liam but she eventually spotted him talking to Councilor Ulysses. A bolt of fear erupted inside her. What if he already told someone?

But she refused to back down. She was on a high of self-confidence and going with the flow and she wasn't about to waste it- this didn't just happen all the time after all. 

Strength. Strength. Strength. 

She took a deep breath and marched right up to Liam and tapped him on the shoulder. 

He turned and looked surprise, "Genevieve?"

"Lady Genevieve," said Councilor Ulysses, "Is there a problem?"

She pasted on a fake smile, "No sir, but I need to speak to the prince- it's urgent."

Liam was staring at her thoughtfully with a frown on his face, but he followed as she walked away. They stopped in the hallway. "If you're going to try to change my mind, I wouldn't bother."

"Well good thing I'm not listening to that," said Gen brightly. She couldn't help but be irritated by his high-and-mighty speech and just him in general. He was standing there, looking at her, as if he weren't about to sell out her freedom and life because he believed she was dangerous when he didn't even know her. How dare he? "Look, I know you don't like me and to be honest, the feeling is mutual your highness."

He narrowed his eyes at her and scowled. Maybe she was being too harsh especially because she was trying to get him to change his mind. 

"Maybe we should do this somewhere private?" asked Gen, softening her tone. 

"And why, pray tell, should I listen to you?" he asked. His green eyes were definitely not as warm and welcoming as Cora's were.  

Gen bit her lip, and sighed, "You're right and I apologize for being rude but you need to hear me out, please. We're talking about my life here."

"Your life and the lives of everyone in the kingdom," he snapped. "I don't mean to be cruel but when it comes to hundreds of thousands of lives versus one- the answer is clear." 

Gen flinched despite herself, "I know that, trust me, but you still need to listen to me." He was still frowning. "Please?"

"You have five minutes," he said, walking ahead. 

Gen smiled and straightened her posture. Five minutes, she could do this. 

She was surprised when he led her to the library. He sat on one of the armchair and gestured for her to sit, "It's quiet here and barely anyone uses it so no one will walk in on us."

She nodded and sat. "Okay, first of all. I think we need to make something clear. I am just as concerned as you are about the fate of the kingdom and the results of this curse and I definitely do not intend to destroy Olumia and kill anyone."

He pursed his lips. 

"But I am a human being," she said, emphasizing the latter. "I have a life and a family and friends whom I love-"

"If you love them then you should have no problem being taken away for their safety," he pointed out. 

Gen huffed, "You gave me five minutes to speak and that does not include your interruptions so if you want to be here for a long time, please keep talking."

He frowned but stayed quiet.

"Look all I'm saying is- I deserve a chance to save myself," she said. "And there is a chance for me to do that: the map. And I need to do my best to use that chance, it's practically a miracle in my parents' eyes. Even if it all ends up being a myth or we get caught, I need to have tried," she said. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't."

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