Chapter 8: Privateers

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The Serapis was a magnificent vessel. Mahogany wood created its sleek sides with a gold figurehead of a Olumian Serpent- the magnificent beasts from Olumian mythology that were considered the blessed creatures of the goddess Sahara (goddess of water) and according to the tales, once ruled the sea. Even if they once did exist, they were long gone now. 

Gen was in awe with the sheer size and wonder of the ship. She'd never seen one up close before. "Yeah, he's a beauty," said Riley from beside her. Gen nodded. 

She was excited to accompany Cora and the privateers to Donna Island. She did some research and learned that the island was famous for its beautiful views, calm atmosphere, and delicious food. The idea of leaving the kingdom all together (Donna Island was an independent island though it was still technically a territory of Olumia) or at least leaving the mainland was a tiny bit frightening, but more exciting. Mira had been envious when she found out. 

It was also a much needed break from the palace and King Alastair. Gen had been prophet for a month now and every day was the same old frustration and intimidation she felt from the king. She gave up one trying to convince of him of anything he didn't want to hear. She spoke when spoken to, answered when asked, and obeyed at all costs. It was tiresome but when she felt life get rough, she reminded herself that the money she was making helped Mother, Father, and Mira. Mother had even written her a week ago, telling her they were able to repair the roof that had been sagging for years because of the funds she's generated. 

Gen was happy for them. 

She also hadn't made any progress on finding out where the map was. She had casually mentioned it when hanging out with Dell but he didn't even know the map was in the palace let alone where. She didn't know how to go about looking for it. The whole thing was hopeless but Gen had promised Mother she'd try, so she would. Until she got bored or frustrated. 

Fiona whistled and two of the other crew mates lowered a ramp from the ship to the dock. Cora grabbed her arm and squealed, "It's been forever since I've gone sailing. You're going to love it Gen!" Her green eyes were sparkling. Her other arm was linked with Astra's. Any passerby (including her family) would assume it was a friendly linking.

Gen tugged on her bracelet. She had never been on a boat before, and though she was thrilled at the prospect, she was also scared. What if she was sea sick? The thought of vomiting amidst her new friends (or at least Cora- she didn't know if she could call her relationships with the others "friendship" quite yet), was embarrassing and terrifying. 

She let Cora pull her on deck. The ground creaked under their weight and a small stroke of fear ignited inside her. As if reading her mind, Astra reassured, "It feels rocky, but trust me. It's safe."

Gen nodded and attempted a smile, "Maybe I'll just go below deck during the journey?" Hopefully, not seeing the vast expanse of water will keep her fears of drowning at bay. 

"You'll miss the views!" exclaimed Riley, who had snuck up behind her. 

"It's fine, there are windows downstairs if you really want to see outside," said Astra to which Gen was grateful. 

"I'll come with you," decided Cora. 

"You don't have to," said Gen, feeling guilty now. 

"Nonsense, I want to," insisted Cora. And so they went, and for the next couple of hours, they sat in the dining hall and played cards with some of the crew mates: Skye and Holli. Gen didn't want to brag, but she was a queen at Serpents Six. Cora and her were partners, which basically meant Cora was cheering her on and trying to throw off the other team by feigning disinterest, nervousness, and pretending to gesture vaguely to Gen when Skye and Holli dealt a hand.

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