Surprise Marriage

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We arrived at the island late last night. We just went to bed. The next morning I woke up to no Aden but instead to two maids.
"Wake up darling it's time for a bath, a blonde haired lady said to me."

"A bath, I yawned feeling tired still?"

"Aden is waiting for you, mustn't keep him waiting, the blonde said."

One woman was short and had blonde hair the other woman was average height and had Burnette hair. They both were gorgeous.

The brunette haired lady was a real nightmare. She was very rude and kept giving me dirty looks.

They took me to the bathroom and helped me in the bath after undressing me. They practically bathed me with the exception of my love below. I wouldn't let them touch me there.

"It's your special day Hun, the blonde lady said.

"Huh... What do you mean, I said not knowing what was happening?"

"Your getting married. He hasn't been this happy since..., the blonde said before pausing and looking at the brunette haired woman."

"Since when, I questioned?"

"It's best not to tell dear, said the blonde."

"The rude brunette said, "Since me! See I use to be his wife. I in the world he choose someone like you. He had me he doesn't need you, she said fiercely. Its probably why he bought you here. He missed me and wanted to compare us that's all, she said talking more to herself than me. It won't last, she said walking past me and bumping into me."

"You mustn't worry about her child. She's a bit bitter said he played that 'If I can't have you nobody else will' card on her. She doesn't love him or make him happy, but you do. Besides it's your big day. Don't focus in Lina. I'm Joann by the way."

"Nice to meet you Joann, I said."

"I see why he choose you. You are beautiful and kind, the blonde haired lady said. She walked out of the room.

Wtf he was married before... and to her. Why is she at his private island. So many questions popped into my head and I needed them answered.

Why did he bring me here. I didn't want to meet her. She might be pretty but she's wicked, I thought to myself. At this point I'm dried off and putting on lotion.

Wicked Lina walked back in the room and told me to sit down. Joann walked in as well. Lina said she was going to do my makeup for the wedding.

I didn't really trust her but Joann was there and told me it was ok. I hesitantly let her do my makeup while Joann began working on my hair.

After 2 and a half hours later, they were done. They brought me to the mirror and I began to tear up. They did a great job and I looked beautiful.

(How the hair and makeup looked, not Nina)

(How the hair and makeup looked, not Nina)

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(Nina's dress)

Then Lina bought the dress to me

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Then Lina bought the dress to me. I was stunned. The dress was absolutely beautiful. I was currently in a robe. Once I finally got into my dress, it was time to walk the aisle. At least that's what Joann said. There's just one thing... I wasn't ready.

"Come on hun it's time to walk to the alter, Joann said."

"B-b-but I'm not ready. I lov--- like him but in no way am I ready for this, I said."

"It's a little to late for that, Lina laughed."

"Shut up wicked Lina, I said feeling sick and angry she's even here at this point."

Just then Joann grabbed my hand and told me it's time. We walked out of the room headed to the alter.

I was shaking at first but then I saw Aden at the end by of the alter staring at me. He was so handsome in his suit and tie. Damn you Aden.

The music began playing and everyone stood up and turned to look at me. Who the hell are these people?

Joann walked me down the aisle. Aden was all I could see. There standing at the end of the alter, giving me the strength to reach him.

Once there Joann handed me off to him and the priest began to speak. I tuned out all of it until he said Aden wrote his vow and would like to share it.

Aden looked at me and began his vow:

"The moment I saw you I knew I needed you. Your the one for me peach. I recall you bumping into me one-day. I dropped all of my things and you bent down to get them. I was mesmerized by your beauty and that ass of course...sorry looked amazing. I knew I needed to have you. Peach the more I got to know you I seen the side that's kind hearted and loving. They we're things I lacked in my life, but no more. Being with you gives me a reason to exist. I never felt more complete. You make me happy, you make me laugh but most of all you make me feel loved. Peach you are the apple of my eye and I wish to spend from now til forever with you, he said finishing up his vow shedding a few tears."

I she'd a few too, I couldn't help it. Aden is just so loving at times.

"I didn't come prepared with my vows, I said to Aden. I have somethings I would like to say to you:

Aden even though we met in a way that was unorthodox, somehow you still got to my heart. You can be a cold hearted man sometimes, but when your nice you blow me away. You love to the extreme. Oddly I feel safe when I'm with you. I guess what I am saying is I love you Aden."

The people at the wedding we're saying awwww.

The priest said, "Without further Ado you may kiss the bride!"

We kissed and the crowd cheered. I guess I'm now a married woman. Just wish Cass and my family could have been here.

We mingled with all of his guest. His mother Mrs. Jade Ashton was here. She's super old but what can I expect Aden is old. I also met his brother Luke and his sister Milani. There we nice but Luke kept flirting with me.

Aden pulled me away and asked me to dance. We dance for awhile but I was feeling horny. So, I whispered his name while dancing and when he looked at me I pulled his neck down and kissed him.

I told him we should go to our room and he didn't hesitate at all.

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