He took me

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He picked me up and called me his...wife. I'm not anybody's wife.

"We're not married," I said to him.

"No, but we will be very soon Nina. We just need to get home then you will see."

We got to his car and he placed me in the passenger seat. He rushed to the driver side and got in. He sped off and surprisingly no one was out to save me.

"Chocolate peach I won't force myself upon you anymore until you want me to. I didn't want to hurt you I was only suppose to do it once to you. I hope your not mad at me peach?" He said.

"Why me Aden? Why did you ruin my life. I don't want to be here or anywhere with you." I said to him.

"I over heard you, on the phone one time, saying how you wish you had somebody to 'Love'. Well here I am Nina. I promise to love you always and forever. You'll never have to be alone again." He smiled as if he was my savior.

"Aden in what world does anyone like to be raped, beaten, and kidnapped?"

I probably shouldn't speak to him with so much animosity, he could hurt me badly and I can't stop him. He frowned and turned the music up, then grinned wickedly.

We finally arrived to this beautiful country home. It was more of a mansion but had the country feel. I always dreamed of a home like this with a view.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I said out loud.

"Peach... I knew you would love it." He said sounding full of himself.

He parked and got out opening the door for me again.

He grabbed my hand in led me inside. I gasped, it was so stunning.

"How did you afford this?" I asked him.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Peach I want to show you around then I will make us dinner, ok."

I followed him to each room. They seemed to get more stunning the more I toured the home. He finally showed me the basement. It was huge! The basement was split to a beautiful theater /bar and a dungeon style section.

"Please Aden, I can't be in there." I said stopping about to have a full on panic attack."

He turned around and backed me into a wall.

"Be good and you won't. His tone was scary and he seemed to like making me scared."

I nodded my head and he grabbed my left hand and pulled me into the dungeon.

I started to panic and asked him if he was going to hurt me. He pulled me in the bed in the corner and took off my clothes then his.

"I know I promised I wouldn't do this but you turn me on so damn much peach. I need you."

He grabbed my hand and made me feel his naked member it was hard and thick.

"Please I shout don't do this, he moved my hand and entered me slowly."

It didn't hurt as bad as the first two times but it was still wide and thick so that girth of him hurt. He started to kiss my neck and massage my breast. Then he began kissing them. It kind of felt good. What is wrong with me. He started to move extremely slow and it felt amazing.

I moaned and he looked at me and smiled.

"You like that chocolate peach... He went even slower and I moaned again. I felt a release.

He kept going and shortly after that warm liquid, I thought was pee, shot in me. He collapsed on me and told me we were heading upstairs to take a shower.

He made us leave our clothes down there, so we walked upstairs naked. He pulled me into the master room and took me to the bathroom.

He turned the 🚿 shower on and got in.

"Are you just going to stand out there or are you coming in, he asked?"

I stepped in and the shower head was amazing. He got behind me and opened my legs. He came close and entered me from behind. It was so uncomfortable and awkward. He was too rough and he came really fast. He finally cleaned me up when he was finished.

"I'm tired Aden can I take a nap, I asked him while crying."

"Come on let's get you dresses first, he said."

We walked to the walk in closet. He had his clothes on oneside the other side had clothes in my size.

"How did you..."

He cut me off and said, "I knew you were going to live with me so I bought you some clothes. I hope you like it, he said."

I picked a top and sweatpants and went to sleep on his 🛏️ bed. The bed dipped once I shut my eyes. I knew it was him so I just fell asleep.

I woke up to him entering me and my pants off. Why is this happening?

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