Can I catch a break

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Nina's Pov

He's been gone for three months. Aden is here and our boys are here. I desperately want to see my daughter and Luke.

Aden had a condo built beside his house. For the most part he leaves me alone. He spends his time at my parents home. Trying to get information about my childhood.

My boys live with me and I'm happy they do. Aden lets me leave the home whenever I want. We hug and kiss but nothing more than that now.

I actually made a doctor's appointment for today. Aden doesn't know about it. Oh yeah almost forgot I'm three months pregnant. You guessed it, I'm having Luke's second child.

I wanted to tell him but I wanted to do it in person. I don't want to call him because after that night I'm kind of afraid of him. I know he didn't do it on purpose but I'm not sure what he's capable of.


Doctor's appointment

After checking in and waiting for sometime, I was finally seen.

"Hello Nina, are you ready to hear the heartbeat?" Asked Dr. Jenkins.

"Yes." I answered.

She applied the jelly-like substance on my belly and then moved the monitor around and we found one little blob.

"The heart rate is 144." Dr. Jenkins said.

"Baby sounds healthy, I'll get you prenatal vitamins." Dr. Jenkins said.

"Can we also talked about once the baby is here me getting birth control?" I asked.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?" The doctor asked.

"I want the paraguard. I think that's the one that last 10 years and goes in my vagina right?" I asked.

"Yes, it's also hormone free and is just a 5 min procedure. We can set one up one month after the baby is born. Does that sound good?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, thank you!" I said.

I received my prenatal vitamins and scheduled my appointment one month from now. I craved pecan ice cream so I went to the ice cream place Luke always took me to.

"MOMMY!" Aurora shouted.

"Oh... You guys are here!" I said surprised hugging my sweet girl.

Luke was staring at me. He looked kind of nervous with his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Sorry we seen you as you walked. How are you?" Luke asked.

"I'm ok. I actually was meaning to talk to you. Can we go somewhere private?" I asked him.

"Um... Yeah... Ok. How about we go to my house." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay let me get my ice cream first." I said.

He nodded and I walked to the cashier .

"Hello welcome to Estra's what can I get for you today?" The cashier asked.

"I'll take a large pecan blizzard with whipped cream on top and Carmel drizzle." I said.

"Oh and extra pecans on top, please."
I said.

"And for you sir?" The cashier asked.

"I'll take the same. Also I'll take one mermaid rainbow 🌈 fantasy." Luke said.

"Yay, thank you Daddy." Rora said.

"Will that be all?" The cashier asked.

"Yes, Luke." I said looking at him to see if he needed anything else. He didn't say a word just began pulling cash out of his wallet.

Once we got our ice cream we left in Luke's car.

"Should I drive my car." I asked.

" No, we will come back." He said.

We got to his beautiful home in 20 mins. He sent Aurora outside with one of the maids.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked walking closer to me.

"Luke I'm pregnant. We're pregnant. I mean it's yours. Luke I'm having your baby, again." I said .

"Oh!" He said

"Are you sure it's mine?" He asked.

"Yes." I said shyly.

"Me and Aden haven't been intimate in 4 months. That night you were my last." I said.

"Oh... I see. I am truly sorry about that night. I never meant to hurt you. Whatever you decide I will be there for you. Are you...ah... keeping the baby?" He asked nervously.

"Of course I am. It's my baby I will raise him or her." I said.

"Let's eat our blizzards." He said.

"I'll talk to Aden about this. He will be mad but he will get over it. I am so sorry for hurting you. I don't know what got into me. I would never intentionally hurt you. You have to know that Nina." He said.

"Can we just forget about it. I don't want to remember that." I said to him.

"Sure." He said.

"Might be to soon to say this but... I hope we have a boy." He said.

"Haha... yeah it's too soon." I said laughing.

"Do you think if it's a boy we can name him Luke Jr. Don't say anything yet, just think about it ok. I always wanted a Jr." He said.

"Umm..." I said but was cut off.

"Please Nina, think about it. What would we name the baby if it's a girl?" He asked.

"I don't know. We are three months we have two months until we find out. We have plenty of time to come up with names." I said.

"Okay. Are you hungry? I could make you dinner." He said.

"I think I need to get home soon. You know how Aden is." I said.

"Oh...ok. I will get Rora and we will take you back to your car. Do you think it'll be alright if I stayed at Adens house again. Once I tell him he will make me stay away." He said sadly.

"Go for it." I said.

He got Aurora and I picked her up. I wanted to tell her that we are having a baby but she won't stop talking about it if I do. Then Aden will find out in the worst way. I kissed my daughter on the cheek and began walking, with her, but Luke made me put her down.

"I don't want you holding any of the children in your condition." He whispered.

He's such a buzz kill. Whatever I guess he has a point.

"Okay." Is all I said.

With that he took me back to the ice cream place. I didn't eat yet and was very hungry. Usually Aden is at my condo. He makes us dinner every night. I sure hope he is there making food for me today, I thought.
Short chapter. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. How do you think Aden will be, once he finds out Nina is pregnant again by his brother? Do you think Nina is smart to for setting up an appointment to get on birth control, once the baby is born?

🍫🍑 out, enjoy the chapters posted today.

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