Before You Submit Your Entry

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We've noticed already that a lot of submissions have not been edited to their full potential. Our founder has a statement about that.

Hi, this is Emma. I've noticed just in the entries that I've judged so far that there are rudimentary spelling, grammar, and run-on sentence mistakes early on. When you have as long as you do in this award book (six whole months), then these mistakes don't really make sense. I will not wait for you to finish or edit your entry to judge, I distribute the entries as they come in, and that's it. If you want to make edits and have them judged, then don't submit your entry so early on. I judge what I'm given, not what's to come. Remember, you have until September to submit! There's no rush or logic in you submitting your story if it's not ready!

That's it! Do your best, and good luck!


We just want to give you some reminders of what to do before you submit your story to the contest:

*Finish as much as possible, or as you're comfortable with. We want to be able to really judge the rising action of the story, and we're not waiting for your next chapter!

*Edit a bunch! This is the most important! We make a lot of mistakes when it comes right off of our head, and what makes sense at the time may not later! A big part of the judging process is grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitilazation.

*Put your best work forward. It's not always going to be our favorite, but if you love it and cherish it, then you may get a place in some of our Oddball Awards!

Reminder: if you submit your story, don't go back and re-submit it later unless you've changed your book title in any way, because that puts a whole lot of pressure on us to filter through all of the stories. The only info that really matters is the username, title, link, and genres. Let us know if you have changed your username or book title and send us the new link to your story in our PM box.

The Genre Contest 2019  [ J U D G I N G] Where stories live. Discover now