A little bit of silence

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Cold breezes kept coming in from the window.
Albus sat at his desk writing, page after page of nonsense.
A little tap on the window made him jump, and his heart began to throb when he saw that it was Gellert.
That sweet name lasted in his mind like honey and cinnamon.
Albus got up from his desk and opened the window.

"Gellert wha-"
"Shh. You'll wake up your siblings."
"Alright. Come on in." He whispered.
Gellert looked groggy and Albus took pity on him.
"Here, you look like you haven't slept in days." He handed a cup of coffee to Gellert, who took it without question.
Albus started to worry because Gellert's soft face was beginning to turn pale, like he was extremely ill.
"You have a fever." Albus mumbled.
He went and got medicine and snuck it in Gellert's coffee. After about three drinks he asked, "hey, what exactly is in this?"
Gellert looked at Albus' sorry face, and began to grow with fury, but his fury was starting to make him drowsy. He wanted to scream at Albus. But was it really worth it?
He began to fall asleep, the first time he slept in weeks.
Albus, being the great parent, carried him to a spare bed, and tucked him in.
It was the most beautiful thing in the world.

(In a Depp perspective, the mother Depp tucking the depplings into bed.)
He looked so adorable, and Albus was fan girling about everything.
Albus leaned over and kissed Gellert's forehead, and whispered, "good night beastie."

-next morning

Albus got up extremely early and made break fast for everyone. Gellert was still in bed. As usual.
"Shall I go get him?" Ariana asked.
"Yes, please. Don't be kind at all." Albus replied, grinning.
Ariana gave a small smile, as though she was contemplating this. Then she stood up and went upstairs.

"Good morning." She said in her most polite voice.
Gellert mumbled something and turned away.
She chuckled and sat down on the end of the bed.
"Come on. Breakfast is waiting at the table."
"Well, then it better keep waiting." He said sarcastically. He sat up and stretched. Ariana was watching him. Not in anyway creepy, but as though she was a sister looking out for him. Completely different from the "goat man" (Aberforth).

She smiled warmly at him, and he grinned. She got up and went to the stair case.
"Come on." She called softly. Almost a whisper.
"Yeah, I'm coming." He said. Sometimes he never wanted to get up in the morning. It was like the blankets had grown attached and didn't want to let go.
He ended up down at the breakfast table anyway.
"Let's begin then." Albus said, and everyone dug into Eggs Benedict.

Everyone finished their breakfast, and it was Ariana's turn to wash the dishes.
She collected the dishes and walked away into the kitchen without a sound.
"Albus, I've been meaning to speak to you." Aberforth said, after Gellert had left the room as well.
Albus looked at his with confusion because he had never seen his brother like this.

"I think Ariana is suffering from depression." He whispered.
It's because our parents died. Albus thought.
Suddenly the water in the kitchen sink turned off. It was like she was listening.
"Think we should get her on some medication in case she becomes unstable." Albus replied.
Aberforth didn't look very much better, but he trusted his older brother.

Near noon, the birds were awake and both Aberforth and Ariana left into town.
Albus and Gellert were alone in the house, both of them bored. Both of them secretly hiding away their feelings.
Albus went to check on Gellert, and found him in the spare room.
He was looking out of the window, put into the blue sky. As blue as his ocean eyes. Which now looked at Albus, calmly.
Albus walked over to the window and joined his gaze at the meadow.
"Nothing has ever looked more beautiful." He murmured.
Gellert snuck a sly glance at him and looked away, thinking.

Albus looked at Gellert. He loved that man with his soul. He was more than that.
Gellert stepped closer until he reached Albus' chest. He looked into those deep brown eyes. Deep enough that you could just fall into them. He leaned in and kissed Albus intently. Then he paused. "I shouldn't be doing this." Albus said.
"But you are now." Came the reply.
They both leaned in and were pushed onto the bed. Albus had started to sweat. "I want you so bad." He pleaded. Gellert undid his shirt and pants, including Albus'. Albus got on top of Gellert and said, "you know, this is going to hurt. I can stop when ever you want me to."

But I won't want you to stop. Thought Gellert.
It had seemed to slip both of their minds to cast a silencing charm, and Ariana and Aberforth both walked in the house to sounds coming from upstairs.
"Holy shit." Whispered Aberforth. "I need to throw up." Ariana mumbled.
"Should I go and put a silencing charm around the room?" She asked.
"Be my guest. But don't try to get in the room. I have a feeling that this won't end well." He replied.

Ariana nimbly made her way up the stairs, not making a sound. She stood in front of the door just as the two connected again. She shuddered. The fact that her brother was in that room made her sick. She drew her wand and the sound started to fade. Suddenly there was no more sound. She felt relieved yet angry, that they hadn't thought of the other people that lived in the building.
She went back down stairs just as quietly, and Aberforth silently applauded her. This made her giggle. And she stifled the laugh.

Later that afternoon, Ariana pulled Albus aside.
"You know," she said. "You could be a little more quiet when you're with Gellert."
She looked at Albus' shocked face. She left him standing in awe and guilt, because he had just fucked a man In front of his sister. How embarrassing. He thought.
Gellert walked by at that time and looked at Albus. "You look like you've seen a ghost. You alright?"
"Me? I'm fine." He answered weakly.
There was no way in history that he would ever explain how careless he had been to a life so precious.
He was a jerk.
But he still loved his family. And that counts the most.
Even the goat man.

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