Trapped behind bars

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"Hello, Tom riddle." Gellert says, almost wanting to drown in the darkness.
"How do you know me?" Voldemort snaps. "You wouldn't understand the ways of the old, Tom." Gellert was trying to persuade Voldemort, and was greatly succeeding until... Voldemort looked at Gellert as thought he'd done a great wrong. "So, how's the old crackpot Dumbledore?"
It seemed to bring on the tension in Gellert's vains.
"And why would you worry about him?" He said.
Voldemort whipped around and yelled "CRUCIO!" Gellert didn't even flinch.
Voldemort stood back a gape. In awe.  "That's not possible..." he says. "Only Harry--..." how did-"
Voldemort looks accusingly at Gellert. "So it was you all along eh?" Voldemort approaches Gellert in a professional stance. "All those times, it was you who was really just in his office all the time." You loved him. And you still do." Voldemort hissed. Gellert shuddered at the thought of Tom listening to all of the sounds coming out of Albus' office. When Tom advanced again, he flinched.
Voldemort drew his wand and traced Gellert's cheek. "You knew." Gellert said.
Voldemort angrily snapped, "of course I knew!", and Gellert saw a glimpse of what was going to happen next. It would be incredibly painful ending with a last thought.
Voldemort drew his wand for the last time that day, and demanded where the wand was.
"I've- I've told you. I can't say. Jus- just kill me now!" Gellert managed to gurgle a largely sickening amount of blood. "Tom, I won't tell you!" He managed to sputter, just as the final spell was on Voldemort's lips. There was blood on the floor. Blood staining the sky. Gellert was minutes from death, and minutes were turning into seconds. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" Voldemort screamed. Gellert sat motionless on his knees for pure seconds, staring blankly at Voldemort. His last words ever know to us were "the elder wand was left with--" and then he fell to the floor, dead.
"WAS LEFT WITH WHO!!!" Voldemort screamed.
"TELL ME!!!" It was too late, Gellert Grindewald, was dead.
In his rage, Voldemort cut Gellert's body in several, mangled pieces. Blood spattered the walls of nurmenguard. There would be no funeral. There would be no memory.
Voldemort left knowing all, and seeking the one thing that would kill him.
Just like the first brother.
Drunken in The Power of his enemies and loved ones.

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