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Special guest: Lai Kuan lin

Rachel's pov
We were playing truth or dare now at Lee Sol's party and it's my turn. I honestly hate playing this but I was forced to.
"Rachel! Truth or Dare?"
"Truth" I said emotionless. "Come on pick dare you have been choosing truth for like the entire game already!" Lee Sol said. "Fine" "I pick dare".
"I dare you to either kiss your enemy Lai Kuan lin or do something to betray jihoon!"
*betray jihoon?!? He's my Best Friend I can never do that*
Lee sol has never like jihoon since the start but daring me to do this was too much. "Don't even think about it I'm not gonna betray jihoon, I won't!" I said firmly. "Then you'll have to kiss Kuan lin, it's a dare you have to chose one"

Time skip

Back to school Gosh do I really have to kiss Kuan lin... there's no one I hate more than him everyone in this school knows that we are enemies. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Lee sol calling for me.
"Rachel! Kuan Lin's right there do your dare now, I will be the witness." "Do I really have to do it? We're literally in the middle of the school." Lee sol was annoyed by me at this point "just do it already"
*what to do? It's a dare right*
*its gonna be fine it's just a dare*

Lee sol's pov
Ha and there comes jihoon perfect timing. This will probably hurt him more than her betraying him since he has feelings for her.

Rachel's pov
I walked over to Kuan lin and "Kuan lin!" He looked at me annoyed. "What do you want??" Raising a brow at me.
*god I'm really gonna do this*
The moment I was infront of him I grabbed his tie and kissed him. He was shocked his eyes opened wide. I pulled away and immediately looked to the ground. "It was a dare don't think too much" I said coldly and turned away.

Jihoon's pov
I saw Rachel talking to Lee sol and walked towards her. But as I was approaching her I saw her walking towards Kuan lin. She called out to him.
*thats weird I thought they hated each other*
And suddenly she kissed him!
I was fuming, that's impossible why would she do that! I won't let Kuan lin take her from me she's mine. I clenched my fist and marched towards her. I grabbed her wrist harshly and dragged her to the roof top.

Rachel's pov
I turned to my side and immediately saw jihoon shit he looks mad. Did he saw what happened. "Jihoon" I called out to him, no reply suddenly he just grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me to the roof top. "WHAT WAS THAT?" He screamed at me. I flinched I tired removing my hand because he was gripping on to it so tightly it hurts. "What are you talking about?" I looked into his eyes still trying to release my wrist. "WHY DID YOU KISS KUAN LIN?!" "I THOUGHT YOU HATED HIM?" he shouted again. I was genuinely scared I've never seen him this scary before. "I-it was a dare... Lee sol dared me to at the party" I looked towards the ground. "You could have just rejected it? Or the OTHER dare?" He said. I was tilted and shouted back "it was either that or to betray you!" He was stunned and he released my wrist. "But by doing that you did betray me!"
" I would rather have you betray me than to kiss him!"
*what is he talking about*
"How did that betray you?! I didn't do anything wrong?? It's not like you're my boyfr-
I was cut off when jihoon smashed his lips on to mine. My eyes widen. But eventually I kissed him back. After what seems like forever we pulled away. "Jihoon...." I looked at him still shocked from his actions.

Jihoon's pov
WOW I did it I finally had the guts to do it. Now I just got to tell her that all this while I had feelings for her. "I'm not your boyfriend b-but I want to be" I said and stared into her beautiful eyes. She was still confused and in shock, "w-what?" "I like you Rachel I always have, since the first time we met, but I never told you because I was afraid you didn't felt the same" "but when I saw you kissing Kuan lin just now I couldn't take it I couldn't lost you to someone else. I love you Rachel so very much" "you hurt me when you did that..." I said and looked down I didn't dare to watch her anymore I am afraid of rejection.

Rachel's pov
My heartbeat quickens.
* jihoon has feelings for me?*
* jihoon has feelings for me?*
* jihoon has feelings for me?*
"It's okay if yo-
" I love you too jihoon!" I cut him off. He looks up at me and ours eyes met. At this point I just grabbed him by his neck and kissed him deeply.

I love him, I love him so so much. I will never hurt him, I will never let him go.


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