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Rachel's pov
I tried escaping again though I know that I would never. I have never thought that I would be kidnap someday, I always thought that I lived in a safe place. But I was wrong. I have been trapped here for 3 days already being locked in this dark room.
The kidnapers returned back from wherever they were and came into the room to torture and hurt me. I would always get kicked or slapped till I pass out. Sometimes this guy would stop the other two. He was kind? But I was still afraid of him. I'm so afraid now even the slightest touch from a guy makes me shake in fear.

Jihoon's pov
"Ya! That's enough for today" after they left I stared at the girl in pity. I passed her some food without going too close cause I know she was scared. "Here have some I don't want you to starve"

Rachel's pov
I only took the food after he left and quickly ate it before the others saw it. I don't know who he is but I only knew that he is a part of them. But was the nicest one of them all, he secretly gave me food, told them to stop hurting me and also talked to me sometimes. Though I never replied him back. His actions made me develop a slight crush on him but I have to keep in mind that he is with the people who hurt me.

Days go by and I got use to him always saving and helping me. I felt that I really have a crush on him.

Jihoon's pov
I couldn't take it anymore I can't see her being tortured like that. Even if my brothers are probably going to beat me up if I do this I have to do what my heart tells me to do. I have to let her go. While my brothers were out doing their business finally there was a time I am here without them. I when up to her and untied her.
She got so scared when I touched her but I tired to keep her quite and tell her that I was helping her but she quite struggling and kicking. So I just hugged her tightly and after awhile I felt that she stopped shaking and calmed down. Then I heard sobs coming from her, it broke my heart like all the times when I saw her in pain.

Rachel's pov
I couldn't help it I felt safe and I cried. But I knew I wasn't safe yet not until I get out of here. " can you walk?" He asked staring at me. I tried standing up but fell back down instead my legs hurt so bad. "You okay? Don't worry I'll help you" He said and he carried me up and left the place.

He pulled his car over and we were at another house. We entered the empty house and he told me "this is my other house my brothers don't know about this place stay here till we can get the police to help you and that you can return home. Please don't leave or don't anything stupid cause if you get caught again I can't help you anymore" he said and he was about to leave. But he turned around smiled at me and said "I'm jihoon by the way" and left.

Jihoon's pov
The moment I reached the headquarters my brothers shouted for me. I knew I was in trouble. "WHERE IS SHE? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I just pretended I was shock that she was gone. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???" "I just when out to eat" I lied. "PARK JIHOON YOU CANT EVEN DO A SIMPLE TASK OF WATCHING HER?" My brother Seong Wu screamed at me and kicked me. "WHAT IF SHE REPORTED US, it would be on you!" My other Brother Daniel shouted, pointed at me and then punched me. They were fuming mad. I fell to the ground in pain "fine on me then!" I shouted and left. I when back to the house the girl was in and immediately collapsed on the door step.

Rachel's pov
While in I heard a thud from outside I was scared but decided to check on it either ways. I opened the door to see jihoon unconsciously lying on the fore step and immediately brought him in I tried calling him but there was no response. I think he got beaten up by his Brother quite badly and it's all because he let me go. I stared at him worried for him, I don't know why my body did what it did I hugged him and "I'm so sorry this happened to you please wake up" I cried. "I-I should be the one apologising not you" I heard him say. I immediately moved to face him our face inches away.

Jihoon's pov
It was like my mind was taken over by my heart. I immediately pulled her into a kiss and cried as well.

Rachel's pov
I was shocked and scared but after awhile I gave in. I have not felt this much love in a long time did I really fall for my kidnaper?


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