Puppy Approved

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Rachel's pov
So I recently got a puppy after begging my mom to let me get one for years. I named her Misty, she is this cute white Pomeranian and I love her so so much. She cuddles me when I sleep and cheers me up when I'm sad. But there is one bad side about her. She is extremely extremely protective and barks at anyone she doesn't know. Especially when they get close to me or her. Even my family and friends had to take awhile for her to be okay with them. Even now she still barks at some of my friends.

It is really stressful bringing her out for walks because she tries to bite everyone and every dog. I have never seen her being okay with another dog from the day I got her. While not till I met him...

One day after school I decided to bring Misty out for her walk since I ended school early. We walked down my neighbourhood park towards this cafe that we always go to. It allows pets in it and also the food and drinks are amazing plus they have treats for dogs too! As I entered the cafe it was extremely packed, I guess it is a Friday so I'm not very surprised. I did managed to find a seat though since at the right moment a couple who was done with their table had left.  Once I ordered my drink and a dog treat for Misty I sat down and did what all teens do. Look through social media and play with me mobile games. While I was busy with my phone I don't even noticed someone standing at the side of my table till a voice spoke, "Hi is this seat taken? If it's not is it okay if I share the seat with you?" I looked up from my phone and made eye contact with the cutest boy ever.

*geez I sound like I haven't seen a cute boy in a long time, but then again it's true though*

Jihoon's pov
I brought Max out for a walk today and decided to try out the cafe located in the park. I always walked pass it but have never tried it. Also since I've been away for quite some time and it's been so long since I brought Max out for a walk, I decided to give him a treat. As I walked into the cafe it was really packed and there were no empty tables at all. Till I saw one, a girl sitting there and with her dog as well. If she is not with anyone maybe she'll be nice and share the table with me.

I strolled over and stood by her table, I thought she would notice me there but it seems like she was playing her game on her phone. "Hi is this seat taken? If it's not is it okay if I share the seat with you?" I asked shyly, it's not that I'm nervous around girls but it was a stranger after all and I don't know if she's nice or not. The moment she looked up and made eye contact with me I blushed.

*oh god she's cute, also please let me seat*

As she was gonna reply me she suddenly looked towards her dog and her expression changed to a nervous one.

Rachel's pov
I looked at Misty and then back at the guy I was nervous as heck. I wanted him to seat but I'm afraid that Misty might bark or bite him. "E-erm, there's no one sitting here but-" before I could finish he smiled sweetly and sat down across me. "Thank you" and he smiled again.

*oh god I'm gonna melt*

Then I remembered again why I didn't want to let him sit. But when I looked down to Misty I could see that she was being really friendly to him and his dog. I was really shocked and the boy seem to noticed that I was too because he looked down at his dog as well. "Haha looks like Max has a new friend!" He chuckled. "Haha ya it's really weird, she's not usually like that" I said and he gave me a questioning look. "My dog is really protective I guess she barks at everyone and every dog that she doesn't know, that's why I as so hesitant to let you sit here" I said shyly. "haha hmm looks like I'm approved by your dog, I'm Jihoon by the way, what's your name?"


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