Never Going Back: Prologue

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  • Dedicated to To KFM, CM, and HS


Dear readers,

This isn't your typical princess story. It doesn't have magic slippers, frogs that turn into prince's, magic carpets, and... Yes.. before I drone on, let me get to the point of this. It's different. This is the story of three sisters; Willow, Aufstand, and Arianna. The Wilkinson's. They were all princesses, but they had a secret. Legends say that each of them was born with a special gift. Willow had the ability to control the night, including it's creatures. She was also wicked with a bow and arrow, and always targeted perfectly. Aufstand was basically the same, except instead of the night, she was able to control the sun and clouds. She was rather handy with a sword as well. Both of them were twins (but not identical), born with opposite powers. Creepy, huh? Arianna was born with the gift of making plants grow by just gesturing her hand towards the ground. She could also talk to all creatures, and they would do whatever she wanted. How did they get these powers you ask? No one knows, but if you're that desperate, ask them yourselves. Be warned! This story can bring you great danger! Be careful.

Willow's Perspective- Written by Hermione

I woke up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I sat up and everything came into focus.

There were two other beds in the room, where my sisters slept peacefully.

I was sadly the only early riser out of us. The others would great cranky if I woke them up, especially Aufstand. She was not a morning person.

I stared at Arianna's gleaming crown sitting on her nightstand. It was so beautiful. If only I had mine...

But I can't. Not yet anyway.

You see, Aufstand and I are 13, and we don't get our crowns until we are 15. Arianna got hers last year.

So we have to wait, sadly.

I pushed my blanket off and got out of bed. I changed into my black gown, and sped down three flights of stairs into the kitchen.

My mother was waiting for me there.

"Good morning, Willow! Up and early as usual!"


I sat down and started munching on a piece of bacon.

She stared at me

"What?" I said through mouthfuls.

"That hair of yours, we have to do something about it. It sticks out like passing gas at dinner."

I laughed. "I'm sorry mother, I can't do anything about it! And besides, I like it."

"We'll find some way to fix it dear." She said completely ignoring the part about me liking it.

A few minutes later, my other sisters came down the stairs. They were dressed, but looked tired.

We all talked and ate breakfast together.

After that, my sisters and I went to the forest. The only place that we were free.

We had a special clearing inside that we had made our own. There was a big weeping willow in the middle, which I hung targets on to practice my archery. There were many other things there too, but the most magnificent was a fifteen foot tall, crystal clear waterfall. The pebbles shimmered brightly as the water lapsed over them, making them look like rainbows.

We sat down on the stumps we had found and brought here. They weren't the comfiest, but they worked.

Did I mention we each had a special locket around our necks?

Mine had a moon, Aufstand's had a sun, and Arianna's had a flower. They represented our powers.

We all grabbed each others hands and chanted the vow we said every once a month.

"We three Wilkinson's" I began.

"Vow to stay together." Continued Aufstand. Next came Arianna.


"No matter what happens." We said together in unison.

Our lockets all glowed at the same time.

None of us knew what it meant, but we were going to find out.

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