Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

*Aufstand's Perspective*

~Written by Charlotte~

"Archery just isn't your thing, Aufstand." Willow said, after I missed the target. "You just have to deal with it."

I rolled my eyes and pulled the arrow from the grass. Willow has always made me feel...stupid. Like the only thing I am good at is my talent. The talent that I was born with. So that didn't count.

"Willow, you can't just be rude like that to Aufstand. If anything, you're the one that sucks at her talent." Arianna said, saving me yet again. It was nice she did that, but I feel like I can't stand up for myself on my own.

"Whatever." Willow said, crossing her arms. I took the bow and arrows from her tight grip, and tried again. I put them in the correct position and pulled back the arrow. I took a deep breath and focused on the target on the weeping willow tree in front of me. I ignored Willow's glare and grinned. I held my place for a few more seconds, before letting go of the arrow. I closed my eyes and opened them, just to see the arrow in the middle of the target.

I glanced over at my sisters. Their mouths were wide open.

"How did you do that?" Arianna said as she stopped growing her flowers. "We're not supposed to be...good at each other's talents."

"No, we're not. But of course Aufstand is. Because Aufstand is perfect!" Willow shouted, making the moon shoot up across the sky. It usually did that when she was upset. It usually happened to me as well, but not as often as it did to Willow.

It was now suddenly dark. "Oh shut up, Willow! Grow up." I said, throwing her bow and arrows on the ground. I took my sword and held it tight in the palm of my hand. But I couldn't. I just couldn't hurt Willow.

I threw my sword onto the ground and sighed. "Grow up, Aufstand." Willow said, mimicking me.

That was it. I ran past the weeping willow, past the small waterfall, and past all the trees in the woods. After about ten minutes, I finally thought I had lost them. I bet they were still in the clearing. I could picture it right then: Willow practicing her archery and Arianna planting her flowers. They didn't care. No one ever would. And believe me, this isn't the first time I have run away. I do it all the time. And every time I have the same hiding place. I climbed up the tallest pine, all the way to the top. I settled down on the branch and looked down below. Fall leaves covered the ground. It was the middle of September. I loved this month. This was when it finally started to cool down. It wasn't hot, but it wasn't cold either. It was perfect.

After a bit, I realized that I should probably send some kind of sign to let my sisters know that I was alive. But what would I do? There was nothing I could do to let my sisters know I was fine. And I was fine. Physically, not emotionally of course.

I looked in the pouch I kept around my waist and found an extra sword of mine. But what would I do with that? I was too far away to throw it towards the clearing. I kept searching. I found a bow and arrow hooked on to the side of my belt. I stole it from Willow a few weeks ago. Well, I could try to shoot it towards the clearing. I could see the weeping willow from the tree I was in. It didn't look too far. I put the bow and arrow in the correct position and pulled back the arrow. I focused on the tree and relaxed my muscles. After a few moments, I finally shot the arrow towards the weeping willow.

After a few seconds, I heard a shriek coming from Arianna. They knew I was alive and near. Would they come looking for me? I doubted it, but anything was possible. Especially with my sisters.

But how would they know it was me who shot the arrow? I should send another sign.

Then I realized it was still dark from Willow's little tantrum. I hooked the bow and arrows on my belt and thought for a few seconds. Then I got an idea. I raised my hand towards the sky and the sun slowly appeared. The sky got brighter and the earth was now lit. I heard another shriek coming from the castle and clearing. Everyone knew I was okay.


Or so I thought.

I took a closer look towards the castle and noticed strong men in armor. I rubbed my eyes, thinking it was just my imagination. I opened them once again, but they were still there.

I heard a small sound coming from the branch below me. I looked down and noticed a muscular man trying to cut the branch I was sitting on.

"HELP! HELP!" I cried, getting out my sword. I placed it on the man's neck. "If you dare come near me or my sisters, you will surely die a painful death." I threatened, but the man was not scared.

"Oh princess, you will never amount to me or my army." He said as he continued to cut the branch.

"Oh really? We'll see about that." I said, grabbing Willow's bow and arrows. I quickly got them in the correct position and shot the arrow at the man's heart.

He stood there, frozen for a minute. He slowly continued to cut the branch, but only for a few seconds before he finally fell. As did the branch.

I fell down on top of every branch. I continued to fall until I hit the ground.

Pain shot threw my leg as I looked down and saw the sword stuck in my leg. I screamed in pain.

Blood flowed from my leg onto the grass, making a small puddle that surrounded me. "WILLOW!!!" I screamed, trying my best to stay alive.

I grabbed the top of the sword and started to shake, disgusting by my own blood. I tried to get the sword to come out, but it was stuck. "WILLOW!" I screamed once again. She wasn't coming.

I looked over at the dead man. He was now covered in my blood.

That was when the army slowly came towards me. They all had weapons. The weapons me and my sisters needed.

With all my might, I pulled the sword out of my leg and stood up, still shaking. I grabbed my sword and pointed it towards the men.

"If you make one more move, I'm killing all of you. You will die by either getting stabbed to death, blinded by light, or get chopped into pieces. Your choice." I said, gripping the sword tighter.

One of the men quickly got out his bow and arrows and stepped towards me, aiming for my injured leg. He was apparently on the ignorant side.

I grabbed my sword and lunged towards him, stabbing him in the heart. I did the same to the others.

They slowly fell to the ground, blood coming out of their mouths. They were covered in each other's blood.

I looked down at my leg and sighed. The pain was still there.

I grabbed my weapons and started running towards the gates, trying to lock them. But there were more men.

"WILLOW!" I called again, but she wasn't near. No one was there to save me.

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