Chapter Four

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Twigs and plants skinned my face as I ran through the forest, looking for Aufstand. She could be anywhere by now, possibly even killed. My stomach churned at the thought of that. I kept running screaming her name as I went. Where could she be!?

"AUFSTAND!!!" I screamed, at tears now.

I suddenly bumped in to an armored figure. I gasped in surprise and looked around for a weapon to use, since Aufstand had my bow. 

"No stop!" The figure yelled. He took his helmet off to reveal a mane of shaggy dark hair, and an incredibly handsome face.

"What do you want from me!?" I said holding up a stick in defense. Stupid I know, but I had nothing else, so deal with it.

"I'm on your side! The castle's side! I'm a peasant from the village! Please I'm just trying to help!"

"But why!?" I said.

"Because. My father died fighting in the name of this place, and I'm going to try to do my best to help too."

I looked at him sceptically. Should I believe him? Maybe. Did we have much time? No. Was he freaking hot? Hell yeah he was. 

"Fine. Help me find my sister, Aufstand. She ran away after I kind of.... said some nasty things. Let's go!"

We both ran calling out for her, finally finding her up in a tree while two of the opposing army members tried to cut it down.

"WILLOW!" She cried out as she saw me. "Catch!" She threw my my bow and chief of arrows. I had barely gripped my fingers around it when I grabbed an arrow and fired. I shot the other one too. Both dead.

"Aufstand! Are you okay!?" I said, running over to her.

"Yeah I'm fine...."

She looked a little shaken. She stared at the figure standing next to me, then shook her head. 

"Come on. Let's get into hiding. I'll go find Arianna." said Aufstand.

I took the boy's hand and we ran to the weeping willow. 

"Down here." I said opening a small door in the willow's trunk. We slid inside.

"This is where my sisters and I hide when we're in danger."

"Cool." He said. 

"Thanks." I said awkwardly. "For helping me find my sister."

"No problem, thank you for believing that I'm not the enemy." He laughed.

We stared into each other's eyes for a minute, his dark ones full of sadness and tradgety. He leaned in and kissed me, and I didn't resist. We put our arms around each other, then pulled away, all of our words spoken during the kiss.

I blushed. "What's your name?"



We leaned in and kissed again.

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