CHAPTER 28 Warsome Warlords

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After everyone returned home and Deno and his bandits back to a spare base they have the day ended sulavyn was up working on the rocket with bucky whilst kenny and frank were in the backyard cutting up potatoes and farm foods they grew to survive they also built a water pump so now they have an unlimited supply of food and water "yo sul whats that necro what ever its called book ya got?" frank asked "i ain checked it out yet but bucky told me that Hydra wanted that book so we gotta keep it protected its not a normal spell book this mother fuckin book can summon demons n shit we gotta be careful" "woah....fair enough" "YO GUYS I GOT A CALL FROM DENO HE NEEDS HELP THOSE CRACKHEAD WARLORDS HEARD NEWS ABOUT US GUYS TAKIN OUT THE CHIEF NOW THE WARLORDS WANT IN!" Kenny shouted "YO SHIT LETS GO HELP IL CALL RUSS!" Sulavyn shouted he then called russ "RUSS WE NEED YOU AND SOME TROOPS WE GOT AN ISSUE LONG STORY IL TELL U ON THE WAY" "ALRIGHT ME N MY MEN WILL DRIVE BY YOUR BASE N WEL FOLLOW YOU TO THE LOCATION!" "ROGER" Sulavyn and the gang hopped in the green military jeep and sped off as soon as they saw russ n his men with 3 jeeps loaded with 4 men in each one with m16s "SULLY WEL FOLLOW LETS ROLL" "GOT IT! ALSO I GOTTA TELL U SOMETHING!" "Alright?" "We killed the bandit chief there is no more bandits in the desert we made peace with them now they are on our side their new good none evil chief is a man called Deno" "ay i got it il tell my men" "roger that" After 2 hours of driving sulavyn and the gang and russes men made it they hopped out and they all walked to Deno and his men "its good to see u my friend *shakes sulavyns hand* is this russ the allie you were on about?" "Yes that's me nice to meet you lieutenant Deno *shakes hand*" "Alright lets stop these Warlord bastards these guys have been trynna raid our spot" "alright i have a plan" Sulavyn spoke "Deno you take your men to the right Russ you take yours to the left these bastards will try and come at different ends if u see an army soldier dont hesitate just stab that ballistic and take a life got it?!" "Yes!" They replied "me n my men will be helping all over dont worry we are highly trained me" "aha me n your friend Russ shall also help in combat i have a steampunk boiler rifel and a mean grappling hook attached to my arm armour" "aha same got my grappler on my arm and my guns and my ballistic shooting knife gauntlet" "alright good LETS SPILL SOME BLOOD!" "AHHHAAHYYYY!!!!!" THEY ALL SHOUTED AND RAISED THEIR WEAPONS "HERE THEY COME FROM ALL DIRECTIONS ON MY CALL ATTACK.....3......2.......1....RAISE HELL!!!!!!" "ARHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" EVERYONE SHOUTED RUNNING TOWARDS THE ENEMY CARS SHOOTING AND STABBING INCOMING TROOPS SULAVYN SHOT A GRAPPLE TO A ARMY JEEP AND SMASHED DISCHARGED HIS BLADE AND SPUN IT INTO THE CARS WINDOW STABBING THE ENGINE BLOWING A JEEP UP "AHAHA!!!!! DIE!!!" DENO SHOUTED AS A NAIL BOMB BLEW UP AND KILLED MULTIPLE SOLDIERS THE BANDITS AND BLUE FERROS WERE DEFEATING THE WARLORDS TROOPS AROUND 7 JEEPS FULL OF 7 MEN EACH 15 SOLDIERS DOWN KENNYS BLASTERS FIRING HELL,FRANKS M16 FIRING BULLETS INTO SKULLS,BUCKYS METALLIC ARM DOING JACK HAMMER CHARGED UP PUNCHES BUTCHERING MEN,EVERYONE WAS FIGHTING "RETREAAAAAT!!!!!!!" ONE SOLDIER SHOUTED AS 22 MEN RAN BACK TO THEIR JEEPS AND BEGAN TO DRIVE OFF "YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" EVERYONE SCREAMED IN CELEBRATION AS THE SOLDIERS DROVE OFF IN FEAR "DONT FUCK WITH US!" BUCKY SHOUTED "THANK YOU SULAVYN AND RUSS AND THE REST OF YOU FOR HELPING!" "Its no problem we are a team we are allies we help each other Deno" "ahaha thass ma brotha *fist bumps sulavyn" "well that was eas-...WHAT THE FUCK!" FRANK SHOUTED AS A HEAVY ARMOURED ATTACK HELICOPTER CAME BLOWING UP ALL OF DENOS AND RUSSES TROOPS "YOYOYO LETS DIP!!!!!" ALL THE MEN HASTLY HOPPED INTO A BROWN CAMO JEEP AND SPED OFF "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!! THESE FUCKERS ARE PISSSSSED" SULAVYN SHOUTED "FRANK WATCH THE RED LASERS ON THE GROUND THESE FUCKERS ARE DROPPING LAND MINES!!!" KENNY SHOUTED "OH FUCK!" EACH TIME FRANK SPED PAST ONE IT BLEW UP BUT DIDNT LUCKILY HIT THE CAR "HOW THE FUCK DO WE TAKE THAT CHOPPA DOWN!" "WE CANT THAT BASTARD IS MADE FROM PURE TITANIUM AND HAS GRADE SSS WEAPONS NO WAY IN FUCK WE CAN TAKE IT DOWN JUST DRIVE AND OUT RUN IT!" DENO REPLIED TO BUCKY "I HAVE THE MAGIC JEMS WILL THEY WORK!?!?" "NO THOSE BASTARDS ARE AFTER THOSE AS SOON AS U HEALED YOURSELF WITH THAT RED JEM A SNITCH CALLED FOR BACKUP THEY WANT THOSE JEMS SULAVYN!" "Shit....!" "FRANK SPEED UP THESE MOTHER FUCKERS LOADING OUT A FUCKIN MINI GUN!!!!!!!!!!!" BUCKY SHOUTED "ON IT!" "IL TAKE OUT THE WEAPONS JUST FOCUS ON SURVIVING NOT ATTACKING!" DENO REPLIED TO SULAVYN "ALRIGHT DENO IL DO MA BEST!" SULAVYN HOPPED ON TOP OF THE ROOF "IF I SAID IT I FUCKIN MEANT IT THIS WORLD WILL BE FIXED!" SULAVYN SHOT HIS GRAPPLE TO THE LOADING MINI GUN AND SLICED IT OFF THE CHOPPER THEN UNLOADED A SMALL RED NAPALM BOMB "OH SHI-!!!!!!!" SULAVYN SAW AS THE BOMB SHOT ITS WAY AHEAD OF SULAVYN TO THE JEEP "NOOO!!!!!!!" SULAVYN SHOT A GRAPPLE TO THE BOMB AND IT BLEW UP SENDING SULAVYN 30 MILES AHEAD OF THE JEEP AND HELICOPTER HIS BODY AND HEAD ON FIRE HE SMASHED INTO THE DISTANT GROUND AHEAD LIKE A FALLING PLANE "SULAVYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" KENNY SHOUTED" "wait whats that....?????" "IT LOOKS LIKE A MISSLE COMING TOWARDS US!" "ARGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" SULAVYN WAS SPEEDING TOWARDS THE JEEP AIMING FOR THE HELICOPTER USING THE SPEED DASH OF THE PURPLE JEM HE LEFT A DARK AURA AS HE DASHED "HOLY FUCK......SULAVYN....." EVERYONE LOOKED MORTIFIED TO SEE SULAVYNS BODY BURNT AND HIS HEAD HALF MELTED HIS SKULL HAMF EXPOSED AND HIM SCREAMING HIS SWORDS IN HANDS WITH A PURPLE AURA ON THEM AS HE DASHED PASSED "ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!" SULAVYN LEAPED FROM THE GROUND AND SPUN LIKE A PURPLE NINJA STAR SLASHING HIS PURPLE GLOWING SWORDS INTO THE HELICOPTER LITERALLY SLICING THROUGH IT CUTTING IT IN A LONG HALF "HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!" EVERYONE SHOUTED SULAVYN THEN TURNED MID AIR AND SHOT A GRAPPLE INTO THE JEEPS BACK AND PULLED HIMSELF TO THE ROOF OF THE JEEP HIS LEFT HAND, CHEST, HEAD ALL BURNT " are still ......alive....." "im sulavyn thats why ahahahahaha!!" His head healed and so did the rest of his body but this time his clothes also re stitched themselves back to normal making sulavyn look as he did before "AMAZING TRULY AMAZING!" DENO LAUGHED AS SULAVYN WAS FULLY HEALED "THATS SULLY FOR YA AHAHAAHA!" Frank shouted....Sulavyn got back in the car and the jeep turned around and drove past the half cut helicopter smoking smashed and beaten on the ground "holy shit he did....-" "yeah he did that ahaha" "sulavyn you beast" "aha thats me for ya" sulavyn put the jem away and his swords went back to the normal silver colour and his eye went back to normal....."CHOPPER 12 CALLING IN! , IS YOUR UNIT ALIVE.!" "*climbs out of wrecked helicopter with one arm and half his body* ARGH!!! *dies*" Frank dropped off Deno to his base and russ to his and they drove home....."fuck this jeep its got hot all over it aka its stupidly illegal lets just use it for scrap parts" "agreed" kenny spoke back to bucky frank parked the jeep in his mini scrapyard and they all went inside and called it a night........

*back at the massive big large military base im the deepest level in the ground at 50 feet below in the Generals office* "Sir we have reports that our titanium bolt action chopper was sent down" "THAT WAS A 1 MILLION DOLLAR FUCKING PROJECT!.....WE WILL SOON GET THE BIG ROBOT TO CAUSE SOME MAYHEM FOR THESE FUCKERS JUST WAIT N SEE"

*editors notes* this was fun to write thanks for reading and shit just got reaaaalllllll till then adios my cultists💙🌟💙🌟💙🌟

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