Chapter 5 Survival

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Sulavyns face dropped to see a group of innocent people with supplies but the people were fighting "if i kill all these people and take their supplies i can survive well thats a plan" Sulavyn got off his hover bike and pulled out his hand cannon pistol he hid behind a bush and aimed for a man wearing a blue beanie but before he could pull the trigger he heard someone shout "INTRUDER KILL HIM!" Sulavyn jumped to his feet to see a man holding a large stick running to him sulavyn shot him in the skull he fired a bullet he thought but small musket balls came out of the guns big circular barrel and shot the man in multiple places in his face killing him sulavyn put the gun away and grabbed his sword and ran towards a innocent man who shouted "please dont kill me i have a family!" "Eh i dont care i need this loot" Sulavyn dashed to him and jumped towards the man and sliced half of his head off killing him he then noticed every other group member hid behind trees aiming bow and arrows at him "SURRENDER" a voice shouted at Sulavyn "SHIT" he shouted out then he heard one person shout "FIRE" SULAVYN GRABBED A CLUTCH INSIDE THE GAUNTLET AND SHOT A GRAPPLE TOWARDS A NEARBY TREE AND FLUNG HIMSELF INTO IT BUT THEN FLUNG HIMSELF AT A INSANE SPEED INTO THE AIR ABOVE THE TREES HE PULLED OUT HIS SWORD AND SHOT A GRAPPLE TOWARDS A ARCHER STANDING ON A LARGE TREE BRANCH AND FLUNG TOWARDS HIM DODGING THE INCOMING ARROW AND SLICING THE ARCHERS STOMACH OPEN THEN SHOOTING A GRAPPLE INTO ANOTHER TREE AND FLUNG HIMSELF DODGING ARROWS HE FLUNG HIMSELF ON TOP OF AN ARCHER AND STABBED THE ARCHERS HEAD KILLING HIM SULAVYN SHOT HIS GRAPPLER ONTO THE LAST ARCHERS LEG AND PULLED THE ARCHER TOWARDS HIM MID AIR AND THEN KICKED THE ARCHER TO THE GROUND AND THEN SHOT A GRAPPLE INTO A TREE AND FLUNG HIMSELF TOWARDS THE LOOT BAG AND SWIFTLY TOOK IT THEN LANDED ON HIS HOVER BIKE AND DROVE OFF AS FAST AS HE COULD! hour later after driving out of the forest and now driving on a plain cracked road he looked up in the sky to see night was approaching he had to find shelter and fast!. Sulavyn drove to an abandoned block of flats he parked his bike inside a shed i had and closed the shutters Sulavyn entered the flat and saw broken glass and broken furniture around him ALL OF A SUDDEN A DEMON LIKE BEING JUMPED FROM THE CEILING AT SULAVYN AND PINNED HIM TO THE GROUND SULAVYN KICKED THE DEMON OFF OF HIM! HE PULLED OUT HIS BLOODIED SWORD AND THREW IT AT FULL RAGE AT THE DEMONS HEAD! Killing the demon he then put his sword back in his holder he then closed the flat door and took a summoning book he found chained to the demons back "what...what is this a spell and summon book...? Eh may come handy" he put the small book in his jackets pocket he held the loot bag he stole earlier tightly and his gun in his other hand as he wondered the house he kicked down a door to find a room which was damaged but would do fine to let sulavyn sleep in he closed the door and looked in the loot bag to see 15 cans of soup, 16 water bottles and a to his surprise a  assault rifle and 5 magazines brimmed to the top with bullets he armed himself with the gun and found a still working fridge inside the rooms kitchen he put the water and soup inside their luckily the room had a functioning rusty tap he also found a old battered mattress which he was glad to find since that would be his bed as night settled closed his door and locked it closing the hatch and closed the half torn broken blinds and went to sleep on his old mattress he laid there and smiled realising he had literally destroyed the universe he fell asleep.......4 hours later SULAVYN   WOKE TO HEAR......

*editors notes* ayyy hows it going i hope u enjoyed this story and Sulavyn killed innocent people oof anyways have a good night or day till then peace out my Cultists💙🌟💙🌟

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