"I am going to try and make it grow"
Is the expression I exclaim
As I initiate the ritual,
With a whip made of positive affirmations
And a lashing from my tongue
Unto the skeletal frame of a Juniper.
My encouragement cracks gashes
Into the flaky surface
Of a crumbling wooden torso.
Fearful termites scatter,
Funneling into algebraic built burrows
While torn limbs join the carcasses below
But they are not alone,
Glass paper lanterns
Float on a sea of quartz
Witholding the element of water instead of providing light
Powdery white residue outlines previous attempts,
Excuses in a black light,
Fertilizer's spread.
A few phrases satisfy my frustration
Triggering defeats final glance
And a reminder of the advice from my aunt,
"No Mijo...your going to make it grow!"
A Mirror Of Vulnerabilities
PoetryLove, sadness, hope, fears, events, and Fatasies. A compilation of poems about the things the mind narriates on a day to day basis.