Adult Supervision Required

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Okay I sort of knew how to drive. Sort of. My dad had been teaching me for a while but we didn't practice often. He'd been busy.

I missed those lessons.

Maybe I'd ask Uncle Freddie to teach me once I found Jake. It was just one more thing I had been planning to do my senior year before things got derailed.

I started the car surprisingly fine. I remembered which pedal was which and, fortunately, we were soon on our way to our destination.

Jacob fell asleep rather quickly, which was almost concerning based off how he'd left his car in the control of a total stranger but it was probably his last resort. It wasn't safe to drive tired. Don't do it if you can help it.

I think Nicole, the only other conscious passenger in the car, could tell my driving was shaky. Not that I needed to, but I tried to stay inside the lines perfectly, but I leaned a little too much left and kept over correcting causing me to drift back and forth.

She squinted at me, but didn't say a word.

The car jerked as I tried to us one hand to put in the first CD of my audiobook. Nicole noticed my struggle and helped.

"Harry Potter? So you're a nerd?"

"Ever read it?" I asked.

"No my brother used to love that series. He drove me nuts with it. So annoying." She slouched back in her seat.

"It's totally awesome. Have a listen." I suggested, turning my eyes back to the road.

She sighed, before reluctantly paying attention to the words coming out of the speaker.

I hummed Gotta Get Back To Hogwarts under my breath until she glared at me, having become invested and increasingly annoyed by the sound.

"Uh, Nic? Are we lost?" I asked, the streets appearing unfamiliar. It didn't seem like we were headed northeast...

"How should I know?" Nicole retorted.

Jacob mumbled something in the backseat. He was out like a light. His mumbled was almost indecipherable, but I thought it could have been a name, Amber...

I almost laughed. Sleep talk amused me. But this was not a laughing matter. I had to remember to be serious.

"Hand me the map." I said.

"Shouldn't you drive...?" Nicole asked.

"I can do both-" My eyes shot wide as I realized I was not focused on the road at all. There was a turn I hadn't caught. I quickly yanked the wheel right.

The car jerked. I could swear it was on only two wheels for a solid ten seconds.

Jacob jerked awake.

I slammed on the brakes- Well what I thought were the brakes in my panic. We bolted forward.

Chapter three came to an end as I corrected myself and the car jerked to a halt.

Jacob, more wide awake than a businessman after being given expresso shots, gaped and said, "I'll drive."


Not a super eventful chapter, but it was a cute little one. Probably not a great one. Here's your Monday update! I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think if you have any thoughts.

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