Classic Road Trip Sign #1

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"I have to use the bathroom." A whine emerged from the backseat.

It was late into the evening, nearly ten. I expected we'd drive all night.

"Me too." Callie's soft voice chimed in.

"Why didn't you go at Walmart?" I groaned.

"I didn't have to go then!" Nicole shot back. She whined like a classic young passenger on a road trip. Which she was.

I sighed. What a child. "Oh grow up."

"Yes, Mom." Nicole snorted.

I whipped around to glare at her. Callie shriveled up at my distain and I tried smile at her. Callie was not my target. Nicole didn't seem bothered.

"Calm down, Locke Wood. We'll stop for the night. We can't drive forever you know. Sleeping in the car like this is gonna screw up my back." Jacob stretched.

I almost lurched for the wheel, but he propped up his knee, keeping the car from swerving.

"Such a worrywart." He said.

I opened my mouth to argue but Jacob just kept talking.

"Look, I saw a sign back there for a motel or something up ahead. So much easier to break into. Let's just sleep there and in the morning will be on the road again."

I let out a yawn, against my will. Jacob smiled at me in victory with a sprinkle of genuine happiness thrown in. I scowled.

"Fine... You have a point."

"Thank, God! I was gonna piss myself." Nicole muttered.

"Language!" The word slipped out.

I felt the eyes of the car on me. I sunk down in my seat.

"Oh my gosh, Locke. I think we have bigger problems than a bit of swearing." Nicole rolled her eyes.

"No, no, Locke is right. Nic, you're on time out. We're gonna have to rinse your mouth out with soap." Jacob warned, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

"I hate you all." I muttered.

"What's so wrong with piss?" Callie raised an eyebrow, glancing around innocently.

The wheel jerked, as did the car, as Jacob was caught off guard. "Cal, don't ever repeat anything Nic says ever."


"Because Nic is an asshole that's why."

"Yeah that's fair." Nicole leaned back, unable to argue.

"Don't repeat anything Jacob says either." I hissed. "He's a dumbass."

Aw crap. I realized how hypocritical it was as soon as the words left my mouth.

"I know what swear words are. I'm eight, not a baby." Callie's cheeks puffed with a huff.

"Well Jacob will rinse your mouth out with soap so be careful."

"Why am I the bad guy? I was kidding!"

"Well you said it so now you have to follow through."

Nicole spoke up. "I feel like you guys are forgetting that you literally have no responsibility to teach this child anything."

Jacob and I went silent as we realized she was right. Older sibling instincts had taken over. We glanced at each other.

"Don't call me that." Callie frowned. "I'm really mature for my age."

"I'm sure you are, kiddo, but that doesn't matter." Nicole responded. She glanced over the seat to get a better view of the road. "Jacob, I swear to god if you miss the turn for the bathroom I will be so pissed."

"More like you will piss." I said, under my breath.

Jacob chuckled as he made a sharp turn, pulling into the parking lot for a little inn.

Well I hope you didn't think this chapter was dumb. It might have been but it was fun to write. I'm really not writing this to be good at this point. Just as long as I'm satisfied with it and I had fun writing it, which I usually do. I hope you are enjoying it too! Are you? What are your predictions for what will transpire? Will Erica ever get to Montana at this rate? Leave a comment if you have anything to share, or even if you don't! Thanks for reading!

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