Weekly Dinner | Tony Stark

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Tony Stark x Sister!Reader

It's been 5 months since Thanos was defeated. 5 months since my best friend and brother passed. It's been 5 months since my other "brother" retired from the Avengers. My eyes linger on the photo in front of me.

I remember that day clearly. Tony and I were making snow angels. Since he was older, he would always make humongous snow angels, at least in my eyes. How much I would give to go back to these simpler times. Even before dad became negligent of Tony. Those arguments were never fun to witness.

I shudder at the thought and liberate myself from the memory. I unwillingly get up from his bed and get ready for tonight. After Tony passed, I've been sleeping in his room. We've also begun having weekly dinners where the whole team would meet up and reminisce our memories with Tony and Natasha.

After the events of Thanos, most of the team split up. Sam and Bucky off together fighting off crime as Captain America. Steve is a total secret. I usually try to get him to dinner but it never works. Clint retired completely to be with his family and so did Scott. Peter is focusing on school and living with Aunt May, only being Spider-Man when necessary. Thor now resides with the Guardians, who hopefully are coming tonight.

That leaves Rhodes, Wanda, Bruce, and I living in what's left in the tower. The forgotten. The ones who have nobody left. I do occasionally go with Rhodey to be with my sister in law and niece but every time I look into their eyes, I feel guilty. It should have been me who did the snap, not my brother. He had a family and friends to come back to. Besides him, I have nobody.

I walk into the kitchen and start decorating the dinner table. If it weren't for the weekly dinners it would be scarce all the time.
"Hey there little Stark. Those are some nice decorations you put out."
I look up and see Rhodey leaning on the kitchen wall smiling.

"Stark's favorite." I sadly smiled back at him.
"Let me help, Y/N. You shouldn't do this all by yourself." Wanda walks into the kitchen, lightly patting Rhodey on his shoulder. "Give me that." She grabs the plates and starts assisting me in preparation.

"I'm giving myself the task of cooking." Rhodey struts to the pantry and starts scavenging the ingredients. I lightly sigh, not in the mood to argue. "Is Bruce ready?" I ask Wanda. Pity glows in her eyes. "He asked for your assistance." I nod at her and head over to Bruce's room.

I lightly knock on his door. "Bruce?', I whisper gently, 'It's me, Y/N."
Half a heart beat passes. "Come in."
I open the door to find a half naked Professor Hulk. "Arm trouble again?"
He rapidly glances at his casted arm, "Yes." He says sheepishly.

I chuckle and grab his shirt. "Your arm took quite a hit." I comment as I slip his shirt on. "Yeah." He ghosts. I finish accommodating his shirt. I lightly patted his chest. "There".
He engulfs me in an awkward hug. "Thank you, Y/N. Luckily you're not a teaser like Tony."
A sad smile masks my face once again.

I officially didn't join the Avengers until after New York. Bruce became Tony's roommate and as he lived with us for a while, I got to know him better and eventually we became friends. He and Tony claimed the Science Bros title and he and I claimed Tech Mates. Just like my brother, I built my own suit, but Banner helped me and my suits become who we are today. Iron Warrior.

"I miss him, you know. Every single day."
I focus on the big guy. A tear escapes from his eye. I reach my hand out and wipe it away. "So do I." I say wobbly, tears threatening to escape too. We both walk quietly to the kitchen where the table was prepared and surprisingly dinner too. The guests were already waiting.  I narrow my eyes at Rhodey.

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