Birthday Boy | Tony Stark

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Takes place after endgame

"There you go, beautiful! You're all set and ready for daddy's birthday!" I coo as I finish putting an Ironman inspired bow on Morgan's hair.
"Thank you Auntie y/n!" She exclaims leaping into my arms. I carry her downstairs to the living room making sure everything is in place.

Nebula and Rhodey are working on the happy birthday banner. Natasha and Clint are working on on playlists for the party. Thor, Rocket, and Carol are on food duty. Bruce is the guardsman. Wanda, Bucky, and Sam are on decoration duty. Peter and Morgan are in charge of balloons. Pepper and Happy are at the airport picking up a surprise last minute guest. Finally leaving me and Steve supervising the whole event.

I drop off Morgan with Peter as Steve beckons me over. He's a twitchy mess. "Uh, you good old man?" I tease. He lightens up at my words. "I'm just worried Tony won't like his gift." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. I gasp escapes my lips. Steve starts to open the box but I put a hand on the box. "Trust me, Cap. Tony is in inevitably and unconditionally in love with you. He's going to say yes. I know him, I'm his best friend." I smile.

"I'm sorry, last time I checked your name wasn't Rhodey." We both look at the entry way to see Carol and Rhodey walk in. "Actually, it's Carol." Carol squints as she smiles. "You guys are arguing again over whose Tony's best friend? It's me obviously." Nat finally walks in the room with Barton trailing behind. "Can you all just agree it's everyone?" He suggests. "Shut up, bird boy." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"How did you guys become friends again?" Steve asks. All 4 of us stare at each other. They all lock their gaze on me. "Rhodey and Tony go way back. Carol and I also go way back and while Rhodey and Carol bonded over flying in the Air Force, Tony and I bonded over mechanics. Romanoff and I met when she went undercover as Natalie Rushman." I rush. Steve furrows his brows as he takes it in.

Bruce runs to the entryway. "He's here." We all hurry in our positions and turn off the light. We hear the door rattle and soon the lights flicker on. "Surprise!!" We all yell. Happy, Pepper, and Harley stand at the door. I playfully pout, rushing to greet Harley. "Harley!! How are you??" He pulls me in a hug. "I'm great, Aunt y/n. Sorry for coming last minute, I wasn't sure school would let me." I let go to look at him. He's gotten taller and older. "No worries. Now quick go stand with your brother and sister, your dad is about to get home."

He eyes Steve who's standing close behind me. He walks up to him and gives him a hug. "But my dad is already home." Steve's eyes crinkle as he flashes a huge smile. "Your other sad." He laughs. I go turn off the light again as I hear Peter and Harley laugh along with little Morgan. "Shh." We finally hear the door rattle again. The lights flicker on once again and it's the man of the hour. "Surprise!!!"

He takes the room in as Steve and I go greet him. "What's all this?" He asks all teary eyed. "Your birthday party, silly." I smile. We all one by one greet him and let's just say he got really happy seeing Harley. It's soon almost time to sing for him when Steve motions me to go to the kitchen.
"When should I ask?" He's starting to sweat.
"Right now." Pepper says as she passes by us with the cake. We follow her lead and we all surround Tony.

Happy raises his hand. "On the count of three. One, two, three."
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Tony/daddy! Happy birthday to you!" Morgan gives a peck on the cheek to Tony as his older sons squish him in a bear hug. A big smile forms on his face as he blows his candle. I nudge Steve forward. "Now's your chance."

Steve walks forward and clears his throat. Everyone's attention is on him and Tony is staring at him as if it's the first time he ever saw him. Steve just awkwardly stands there and he looks back at me. I give him a slight nod. He looks back at Tony and reaches into his pocket. I study my best friend and I notice his eyes start to widen. A gasp fills the room as he gets on one knee.

"When I woke up in this era, I had no one, nothing. You gave me a purpose, somewhere to belong, you gave me a home.', Steve takes a moment to recollect himself., 'You made me believe in myself and brought out the better man within. You gave me my family both the Avengers and literally." He looks at the 3 children and takes a hold of Tony's hand. "I know you believe in the future, but I believe in people. And I choose to believe in you, Iron Man. Tony, will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?"

Tony starts to tear up and become an emotional mess. Sillily, I start to tear up too. Tony's been through a lot and I genuinely always worried about him in the love department. He needed someone to lean on and invest in emotionally as well physically. I'm glad it got to be with one of our closest friends. Tony rests his forehead on Steve's. "I do." He whispers with a huge grin on his face. He cups the blondes face and engulfs him in a passionate yet sweet kiss. Peter and Harley try to cover up Morgan's eyes but she whacks their hands away.

Things start to get a little heated so Rhodey began a coughing fit. They both let go, blushing furiously. Steve slides the ring onto Tony's finger. "It suits you." He smiles. "Just like the name Rogers." Tony winks making Steve blush even more. Tony leans in and whispers something in the taller man's ear. I'm not even sure if it's possible but his blush, blushed. I roll my eyes along with Carol who wrapped her arm around me. Tony will be Tony.

"Yay my dads are getting married!" Morgan is bubbly with joy and hugs her two dads. Steve leans down as she lets go. "How would you like to be our little flower girl." He pushes back a strand of her hair. She pulls Steve into another hug. "I would love to! I love you 3000." She gives a quick peck on Steve's cheek and reaches for Tony to pick her up. He lifts her up as he pats Harley. "And you, my friend will be part of the grooms man with Peter." He reaches over to pat Peter. "And you will be the ring bearer." He hugs Tony. "Thank you, Mr. Stark."

"Kid, I adopted you. How many times do I have to tell you, you can call me dad."
"Thanks dad."
"Rhodey, you're my best man." Tony shouts out.
"Buck." Steve smirks at him.
"I knew it." He smirks at Sam.
"And Sam." Steve finishes.
Sam holds out his hand and Bucky gives him a twenty dollar bill.
"Natasha we want you as one of our maids." The happy couple say.
"Of course." She smiles.

And finally they look at me. "How would you like to be the maid of honor?"
A warm glow fills my heart. "I'd love to." A tear rolls down my cheek.
"Let's go eat cake!" Morgan yells. We all walk to get our pieces of cake and I can hear Tony whisper to Steve. "This is the best birthday ever."

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