On the Run | Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff

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Takes place between CW and IW

I put my hoodie up as I leave the motel with Sam and Natasha. "I feel ridiculous." My hoodie abruptly falls to my shoulder and I see Sam run to Natasha's side as I turn to slap his arm. "Loosen up little soldier. We're just getting some drinks." He erupts in a bark of laugher as Nat nudges him. "Yeah y/n. Besides we can get away from trouble without getting caught if it comes to it." She soothes.

"Is the Summer Soldier afraid of getting caught?" Sam teases. I use my powers to lure Sam in and smack him in the back of the head. "No one is gonna catch this girl." I smirk. I'm another victim of Hydra, just like Bucky. We actually were created and trained together. The only exception is that he in the winter and I in the summer hence my corny name.

Just like Bucky, I'm one of the worlds best assassins. The only exception is that I have a special power. It's not necessarily tangible but it's still just as significant. I have this weird thing where I can release energy where I can charm people and make them warm up to me. It's then easy to kill my target. But my killing days are over.

Bucky and I became best friends over the years and we made a pact to help each other out if one of us was able to escape Hydra. He actually was the one to introduce me to the Avengers. Since then, I've been very fond of the team, especially Steve, Sam, and Nat. Everything was going well, until now.

"Do you guys regret not signing the accords?" I bursted out of nowhere. We pause at the bar's door. "I mean I signed it, so...',Natasha whispers, 'But no I don't. Tony was in the right and so was Steve. And they were both in the wrong too."
I turn my head to look at Sam. "Cap needed me and I'll be there whenever he needs me too. I'd do it over again if I have to." He murmurs.

He opens the door for us and we quickly go to a small booth towards the back of the bar. "Do you?"
I look up from the menu and meet Nat's narrowed eyes. "Yes and no." At this, Sam also looks sets his gaze on me. "I don't regret it because I believe that the Avengers need to protect the world without restrictions. We make a mess while doing it yeah, but we can fix that. I do regret it because it tore my family apart." My voice cracks.

Nat and Sam share a look as the bartender arrives at our table. "Welcome to Frisky Frenzy bar. What can I get for y'all today?" The three of us gape at each other like fish. I actually look at the menu and see a surprising special. "There's Avengers inspired drinks?" I ask the tall brunette. He smiles at me. "Yes ma'am."

"I'll have The Sharpshooter." The Russian assassin smiles. The brunette quickly writes it down and looks at Sam. "Give me the Bucky's BlackBerry Lemonade." "Yes sir." "You're telling me the Winter Soldier has his own drink? He's not even an Avenger." Sam scoffs. "He is in the managements eyes. And you miss?" I look up to the tired bartenders eyes. "I'll have the Red Wing Piña Colada, please." I smile.

The guy leaves to make our drinks and soon appears with them. "Red wing piña colada huh?" Natasha smirks. "What can I say? I'm a Falcon fan." I smile.
Sam pretends to tear up. "That's so sweet." We both lean in for a quick side hug. "You know if they had a Summer Soldier drink I would've got it." He says as he leaves his arm resting on my shoulder. Nat scoots over so he can do the same with his other arm on her shoulders.

"There was. You're just so up Bucky's ass." She smirks, taking a sip of her drink. "No, I'm not." Sam stutters. Dark splotches start forming on his neck. "You're blushing." She teases as I start to giggle. "I hate that guy with a passion man." He starts to defend himself. "We all know the truth, Wilson. I wouldn't be shocked, if we catch you sleeping with him."

"I'm not sleeping with him or with anybody!" He removes his arms and crawls from under the table. "I'm going to the bathroom." I stare at the blonde and we break out into giggles.
"You might've pushed it a bit far, Tasha." I say between giggles. "Maybe, maybe not, y/n/n. You're actually pulling off that jet black hair." I start choking on my drink.

"Stop lying. I look like a freak. You on the other hand are pulling off the blonde look." I wag my eyebrows at her. She shrugs it off. "It's nothing. What's Steve doing that made him turn down drinks? I'm sure he would've gotten his panties twisted in a bunch over these drinks."
"He's trying to set out a deal with Wanda and Vision."
"What's up with them?" Sam asks as he takes a seat once again.

"I got worried for a bit. I thought you ditched." Tasha rests her head on his shoulder while patting his arm. "They want to live on their own for a while." I finish. They both sit in silence, lost in their thoughts. "Steve will let them." Sam breaks the silence. "Yeah, he'll just put out ground rules." Natasha finishes his sentence. I look out the window and see the sun starting to set.

Sam follows my gaze and frowns. "Looks like happy hour is over." We leave a tip of the brunette and start walking back to the motel. "I don't want to go back to that motel.', he groans, 'the beds are so lumpy." "It's not that bad, Sammie." I soothe, 'We're on the run remember?"
We finally arrive at the motel and head to the third floor. Both of them drop me off at my room. I hug them both. "Have fun with the lumps." I smirk as I close the door. Through the door I could hear Nat's light teasing tone. "That's why you should've been more picky, roomy."

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