Nightmares | Stevetony

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Takes place in AOU during Clint's farmhouse

Tonys pov

I look around in the darkness. It's silent and my eyes are finally adjusting to the dark. A panic rises in my chest and all of a sudden a Chitauri worm thing zooms by me. It knocks me down and I fall down. It's like those dreams where you're falling with that horrible feeling attached to it.

I finally abruptly land in a more lighter yet still dark area that's eerily similar to New York. Chitauris are everywhere and I look around for my friends.
"Steve?! Nat?! Thor?! Banner?! Clint?!" I desperately yell. Where in the world is everybody. I shuffle around the void emptiness and trip on my own feet.

I get up and notice a somewhat ramp thing or stairs, I don't know and notice a big green guy laying limp on the cold floor. I walk closer to the person and stop short in my tracks. "Bruce?" Air feels like its coming out of me. I walk further down and see the red headed assassin laying still on the floor. "No." I murmur. I pass by Clint with all his arrows surrounding him. "No." A cry tears through my lips. Thor's hammer comes into view and I see Thor with blood all over his face. "No." I finally see half of caps shield and walk over to his body.

I kneel down and rest my hand against his chest with tears running down my face. His body jerks and his hand grabs mine. "You... could have... saved... us." He groans. "Why didn't you do more?" He goes limp and I start shaking him. "Steve?!" My sob gets louder each second. More chitauris fly by and I glare at them. "Why them?? Why not me??" I screech.

Steve's pov
I put my shirt on and get into bed. I just stare at the ceiling waiting for sleep to have me prisoner. I look around the room. Clint sure has a nice house. I turn my head and see Tony's figure. I smile to myself. Little whimpers start to film the room. My forehead creases as I reach out to Tony and flip him over.

"Tony?" I whisper, lightly shaking him.
"No, no, no, please. Me, take me too please. No, no, no." He whispers as tears start slipping through his eyes. "Tony." I say a bit more frantically, shaking him harder. He begins to scream and I shake him with all my strength, reaching for my glass of water and pouring it on him. "Tony."

He convulses and his eyes abruptly shoots open. His hands chain to my wrists and breathes hastily. His eyes focuses on mine. "Steve?" His voice cracks as more tears stain his face. "Tony, are you okay?" Seeing him like this is the worst thing I've ever seen. He looks so disoriented so broken; it makes my heart ache. He scoots himself closer to me and breaks down. I breathe in and push him closer to me. I wrap my arms around him and soothe his back as he lets all his tears out.

Tonys pov
A good 10 minutes pass and my tears have now turned into sniffles. Warm hands pat my back. "Tony? Are you okay?" I look up and meet Steve's worried blue eyes. "I had a nightmare. A repeating nightmare." I sniffle. "Do you want to talk about it?"

My heart starts to beat harder and my lip starts to quiver and Steve quickly pulls me into his arms again. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." "No, I do." I start to sit up and his big hands help me up. His ocean blue eyes patiently wait for me. "I dreamt that you and the rest of the team died and it was all my fault. I didn't do anything."

A deep silence fills the room and I take deep breaths trying to keep me from breaking down again. Steve crushes me in a hug and abruptly kisses my cheek. A light blush forms on my face as I stare at him, shocked. His eyes are teary eyed. "I'm here Tony. Alive and well and so are the others. Don't ever, ever blame yourself. It's not your fault." I just nod trying to take all of this in. He holds my hand. "You feel this right?" I just nod. "You wouldn't if I was dead. I'm alive Tony and well because I'm here with you." He smiles.

I stare at our hands and smile. I lift up his hand and tentatively brush my lips against the back of this hand. Caps face goes crimson. I let out a giggle as a shiver runs down my spine. "Was the water necessary?" I tease. He chuckles, "You wouldn't wake up." A comfortable silent briefly fills the room. "I'm cold." I whine. Steve lifts up his shirt and hands it over to me. "You can wear mine. I don't usually sleep with a shirt on and well I ruined yours." I take the shirt and change.

"Thanks. It's a big on me though." I say laying back down. "You'll be fine." Steve says mirroring my moves. I scoot close to him and he wraps an arm around my waist pushing me closer against him on the small bed. My face flushes as my hands brush against his abs. "Do you feel better?" Steve hums in my ear. "Mhmm." I start to doze off with Steve humming in my ear; his massive hands rubbing my back.

Steve's pov
I wake up early and leave Tony resting in bed. I head into the kitchen and spot y/n. "Morning." She says.
"Morning." I smile. I look into the cupboard looking for pancake mix. "Mix is right next to the stove." She smirks. "Thanks." I reach for the mix and start getting breakfast ready.

"Do you need help?" She asks. "No, thank you."
"It's for Tony right?" A sly smile forms on her lips as she hands me a plate. "Maybe." I finish getting breakfast ready and I walk back to the bedroom with the plate of pancakes and milk in my hands.

I open the door and find Tony sitting up on the bed. His messy hair and brown puppy eyes are adorable. His confused look and my shirt on him is a great look. "Good morning, Stark. I made you breakfast." A huge smile breaks on his face as he takes my plate. "Thank you, Steve, for this, for last night and for everything." "Anytime." I smile.

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