iii. baguio trip

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After the company meeting and Ate Xi and I's afternoon coffee break, I went back to Chord and I's hotel to pack my things for the workcation in Baguio that starts today, the same day they asked me to help them with the script and everything. I'm not complaining because I'm going to Ajero's Hacienda, so I'm even more excited even being notified in such a short period of time.

Chord, on the other hand, won't be able to join me tonight because he has a meeting for his new acting project with one of his agent's friends who happen to be here in the Philippines.

“I really want to go, Kie,” he cried out, pouting as he sat on my hotel bed while I packed my belongings.

“And you can,” I reassured, “once you finish your meeting for your potential new project. Baguio can wait, Chord. Besides, this is an opportunity you wouldn't want to pass up, right?”

He nodded, still pouting. “It is.”

“You also said that this is your chance to prove that you're over her and don't have to wait to go back to acting because of her. I thought that's what you're aiming for here?”

He seemed to be lost in contemplation for a time, then he grinned broadly. “You're right, Kie. This is for myself, after all; I need to prove to myself that I can act without her, but please, don't do anything fun without me when you're in Baguio.”

“Don't worry, we'll wait for you,” I stated once again.

He nodded, smiled, and assisted me in packing before asking the question that I had been thinking about earlier. “How are you getting to Baguio at this time of day?”

Well, I was supposed to be with Josh in his brand-new car, but he told me that he didn't have the car yet, and since he's already at the company because he didn't leave earlier while I went back to the hotel, I think they drove off to Baguio without me, and I have no choice but to commute on my own, if I can commute at this hour. They want to stay up late for me, but I believe they had other essential things to do there and had to leave early.

A knock on the door stopped our conversation before I could respond. Chord went to see who was at the door and then returned, smirking deviously at me.

“Who is it?”

“I think I already have an answer to my question, Kiera,” he joked. “Justin's here, babe.”

“What? You're kidding.” I said as I closed my luggage, but as I looked up again, there stood behind him none other than SB19's youngest member. “Justin…” I trailed off, perplexed yet delighted at the same moment. I'm glad someone has come to accompany me to Baguio, but I'm also perplexed as to why it's Justin?

“Hi, Kiera, are you ready?” Justin asked, nervously smiling.

“Um… Yeah…” Actually, no! This will be our first drive alone in the car after two years apart. But when we were in college, Justin and I used to commute together, and once he obtained his driver's license, he used to take me to my uni. But now….

“Well, I guess I'll just see you both in a few days,” Chord said, noting that he is also in the same room.

Justin nodded at him, and I simply stared at them. “Don't worry, man, I'll take care of Kiera and bring her to Baguio and back safely,” he grinned, reassuring Chord when he didn't have to.

“Oh, I know you will, Justin,” Chord replied simply, but clearly with purpose. “Enjoy your workcation.”

I glared at Chord, but he just shrugged. Before he could say anything else, I grabbed my suitcase, hugged him, and tugged Justin out of the room by his hand, letting go swiftly once we were outside. But, before I could continue walking towards the elevator, Justin silently grabbed my luggage and guided me with his palm on the small of my back towards the elevator.

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