Chapter 26

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Callie's POV

I sat in the ER. I called Shield and told him the news, I also called Mat and told him. Shield couldn't leave the hospital so he couldn't make it to Barcelona and be with me but Mat and the boys were on the way and I didn't wanna see Brandon right now, he caused all of this. My daughter could die because of him!

The doctor came in and spoke something to me in Spanish, I didn't understand him too well so I didn't understand what was going on. "I-I don't understand! I don't understand you! What's wrong with my daughter?!" Cyrus came over and patted my back reassuringly. He spoke with the doctor in Spanish and I sat alone, crying. Cynthia came over. "I have no idea what you're going through because I don't know what it's like to lose a child but I know about faith and that's the only thing a human has.." She adviced.

Cyrus came over and told me that there would be an English speaking doctor so I nodded with my head in my hands, waiting for results. Another doctor came in and called my name, "Doctor! What's wrong with Blue?!" I spat. "I checked over her charts and saw she just got out of surgery, the bullet went straight through so we didn't find anything but there's a problem." I gasped for air because I wouldn't live.

"The wound grazed her heart, opening it up a bit, miraculously.. It's still beating but slowly. She could die in a matter of days or hours.." I began to shake softly and my nose started bleeding. "Ma'am- are you okay?" The doctor asked, putting a hand on my shoulder, I cleaned the blood off with my hand. "Yes... What can we do?" I cried, Cyrus had a comforting around me.

"She's not responding but she's alive... If anything, we can do another surgery; Get the heart to beat properly a bit, make it stop bleeding a bit. We will do anything we can and try everything but please- don't get your hopes up." He told me. He walked away and I hugged Cyrus closely to me. "Callie-!" I looked and saw Taylor and Jose. I ran to them and hugged them tightly and comfortingly.

I told them what was going on and Jose and Ramón sat and held hands, saying a prayer. I sat Mat lastly and he had a beat and totally broken face but he managed to hold me and keep me warmly comfort. "Oh Callie!" He cried and patted my hair. "It's all his fault! How could he do this?!" I screamed in tears. "You know he didn't do it purposely... You know that he loves her. Something must of happened, I'll get to the bottom of it." He kissed my forehead and we sat together as I fell asleep for a bit.


The doctor woke me up an i sniffled as the tears were dry on my face, I looked at Mat sitting next to me on his phone. "Ms. Jacobs? You can see her daughter, she's still unconscious, she's not responsive either but she's in there and so don't try to stress out the body." I nodded and Mat helped me up from the chair and I walked with the doctor to Blue's room. He let me in and he closed the door, I saw her body and I couldn't keep the tears in. I sat on the edge of the bed with her and took her hand in mine.

"Oh Blue... My baby Blue, R-Remember when you told me you wanted to study 3 careers in college before you married and had babies? Hm? Remember that Blue?" I cried. My hand soothed her hand, it was cold and unknown. They didn't feel like her hands, they felt dead and lonely. "P-Please.. Don't die! Please, baby... Don't die... Please, my boo boo Blue-" I laughed at the name I called her, "-Remember when I used to call you that? When you were a baby? When you were just a little girl and it would it make you laugh like a little bird?" I chuckled.

Someone came in the door. "Hey.." I smirked faintly at Mat who came in the door. He rubbed my back. "Is she doing better?" He asked me, "No... She's getting weak. Look! Just touch her hands!" I spat, I pushed him toward Blue who was unconscious and he carressed her hands softly and delicately. "I-I don't know.." He was so tired and uptight.

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