Chapter 13

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I called Callie in advanced and asked her if anyone was home. It was just Blue and her, the rest of them were out for dinner and she refused because she claimed she wasn't hungry. I didn't tell her why me and the guys and Lou were meeting up at her house, I just said it was business.. I didn't want her knowing anything about Sierra. Nothing. Ricardo was right...

We walked in the house and Blue was in the kitchen. Lou came in behind Mat, Taylor, Jose and Ramón. "Go upstairs, baby..." I told her kindly. She nodded and knew what this was about. She climbed the stairs. Callie came down, "Hey boys..." Lou had the files under her arm. "Lou..." Callie spat her name like venom. "Jacobs..." Lou spit back rudely. I led her through the back door, "What the hell is that bitch doing in my house?!" She spat at me. "It's just business okay? We couldn't meet at the house and this was the safest place where we could speak..." I told her. "This must be big then," Callie smirked, crossing her arms.

"Stay inside..." I demanded. Walking outside to speak with Lou, she sat on the porch swing while we huddled around her. She opened the files and handed them to me. The boys huddled around me and I read them thoroughly. "Holy shit...." Shield whispered. "Oh my god..." Jose whispered, reading them. Chills went down my body and Mat got choked up, almost unable to speak or even breathe. I looked at Lou.

"What the hell are we gonna do about this?" My breathing shook and my lip quivered in fear. I was scared. I was actually very afraid of this girl that I loved with everything in my power. I handed back the files and she closed them, "Is that all boys?" I looked at her. "Yeah.." I rasped. She let herself out.

I turned to the guys. "What's the game plan?" Mat asked me. "I don't know," I rasped. "Whoa! You've never said that before... Of course you know." I shook my head at Mat. "I don't know... I don't know how to fight back with her. She's won." Shield spoke, "Don't let her win... Your really gonna give up on Callie and Blue like that?" I looked down at my shoes and I spat, "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING ANYMORE!" I screamed, I walked in the house and out the front door. The boys followed. Shield grabbed me, "I'll take charge-- Aye look at me! I'll take charge." He told me.

I drove to the diner and ordered some waffles at 9pm... How convient. Someone sat my booth, "Hey..." I played with my food. "I talked to Callie before I left the house, right outside my car." I gave her a smug look. "That's why I didn't see your car out the house when I stormed out.." I sighed. "Why'd you storm out?" I looked at the white, wooden table. "Shield took charge." He spat. "You've never gaven charge to anyone... Why? You're too pussy to take on Sierra?" She laughed. "I can't believe it, okay? What did you and Callie talk about?" I asked.

"She asked me what was wrong with you, I told her that I didn't know and she asked me if it was maybe because you're not over Sierra or something..." Lou said, "She doesn't need to know anything about Sierra or what's going on, I can keep this from her forever, if I wanted." I rasped. "Don't underestimate her, Foster. She's more smarter than you think... I was wrong about her." Lou admitted. "You two deserve eachother." I looked at her with lonely eyes and sympathy. "But you have to talk with her or you're gonna lose her..."

"No... I really wish she hadn't involved you." I spat. "Yeah, me too... But I know what it's like to love you and not know why you're pulling away. It's a lonely place to be and frankly, it's not okay.." She admitted to me. "I really don't wanna talk about this!" I stood from the booth, "Of course you don't! But you never wanna talk about things that are hard and keeping it inside doesn't make it hurt less, it only hurts the people you shut out." She told me, letting me go.. I paid the bill and left the diner. Lou ran after me.. "TALK TO HER, FOSTER! BE A FUCKING MAN AND BE REAL FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!" She spat.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face her. "If I tell her, do you have any idea how it'll play out? Do you know what her reaction will be? No.. You don't. I'm scared to lose her, I promised myself and her that it wouldn't end like every other marriage I grew up with." I told Lou. She looked at her feet as we stood in the middle of the road. "Maybe it's time to lose her...." I gulped and squinted my eyes. "TAKE THAT BACK, CHUNG!" I screamed. "Seriously, Foster... You promised her everything and you probably meant everything but so much stuff is going on now and you can't keep doing this to her! Because I'm a girl and I know what it's like to feel like she don't matter anymore to you.... It fucking sucks." She spat.

I turned around and left the diner. I pulled out my phone once I was in my car and called Callie, "Hey.." She answered. "Can we talk? I need to tell you something..."

AUTHORS REVIEW: Lou is right... She's nothing more than right.

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