The Arrival

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After about a day and a half (due to the plane being delayed), Alexander and Lafayette finally arrive in London, England! Alexander was actually happy to have gotten off the plane. All he had wanted on the plane, was to get off as quickly as possible. He was also glad that he had about a few hours off the plane before going on to the next. It was midnight when they had exited the airport. They called over a cab and got in. About twenty minutes later, they arrive at what seemed like a small house in between two large apartment buildings. Laf and Alex get out of the cab, tip the driver then head inside the place.

"Laf, where are we?" Alex asked drowsily, clearly tired. He leans against the wall to hold himself up from falling.

Laf lightly chuckles. "We're renting this place for the month." He replied as he set his bags down and led the exhausted man to an empty bedroom upstairs. Alex lays down and just falls asleep, right away. Laf rolls his eyes and snorts. He took the blanket out from under him and laid it over him. Lafayette smiles and goes back downstairs and into the living room. He moves the luggage away from the front door as much as he can and goes back upstairs. He finds the other bedroom and climbs into bed himself. And before falling asleep, his last thought was about what tomorrow might bring.


The following morning, around ten o'clock AM, Alexander had woken up to the smell of food. He slowly sat up in his bed and stretched, yawning in the process. He climbed out of bed and left the room. He walked down the stairs step by step. By the time he was on the 4th to last step, Laf noticed his presence. His eyes go wide. "Mon ami, careful with that-" He cut himself off and winces when Alex tripped and fell on his back after stepping on the last step. "step." He finished.

He groans in pain. "Ow. What was that?" Laf helped him up and he looks down at the carpeted stairs. The very last step is in fact a smooth wooden step. "The fuck- Why is that there?!" Alex shouted in disbelief. "I thought all the steps are supposed to be carpeted! Not just one!"

"Alex, Alex. Calm down, mon ami. We just.... we just have to deal with it, alright?" Laf reassured him (sorta). Alex just sighs and goes and sits down at the dining table. Lafayette brings both of their breakfast plates and sits down across from Alex.

The two of them eat in silence for a few minutes before Alex decides to speak up and break the silence. "So, Laf. Why did we come to England, again?" He took another bite of his waffle.

The Frenchman looked up from his plate and turned his attention to Alexander. "Hm? Oh. Well, it's just that you need to take a break from your work, alright? Lately, you've just been cooped up in your room all day. You deserve this trip, Alexander." He stated.

He sighs. "You're right, Laf. I admit, I have been working hard. I'm sorry, Laf. I promise, that this month, I will lay back from working." He smiles. 'Hopefully, he didn't bring me here for what I think it is...' He thought in his mind.

Laf smiles back. "Thank you."

After Lafayette and Alexander finished their breakfast, they cleaned up and began to unpack their things into their rooms. When done with that, Alex headed back downstairs and sits on the couch. Lafayette, on the other hand, got a call and he stayed in his room to answer it.

Alexander stayed on the couch, bored. He sighs and decides to walk around the downstairs. He's in the kitchen and looking in the cupboards. What he didn't know, was that someone had snuck in quietly into his and Lafayette's shared home. Alex closed the cupboard he was looking in and twirled around to head back to the couch. But when he did that, he had bumped into someone else, making both of them fall to the tile floor. The person he'd bumped into made an "oof" sound while Alex squeaked in surprise.

Alex lifted his head, noticing he had fallen on top of the person. He could feel his face heat up when his gaze meets the person's eyes. He was speechless.

The person he was looking at is a boy who looked to be around his age. He had ocean blue eyes that you could just drown in them and his hair was dark brown just like Alex's. What he wore was a red hoodie with gold lining his sleeves and black skinny jeans. Alexander couldn't help but just stare into the abyss of the boy's eyes. The two stay in that position until a door could be heard opening upstairs. This pulled Alex of his trance and he shakes his head. He quickly climbs off the guy and helps him up. "I-I-I am so s-sorry. I-I don't know what just happened." He stutters awkwardly.

"I-It's alright. It wasn't your fault." He shakes his head and smiles. Alexander couldn't tell if it was his imagination or not, but he thought he saw him blush. Alex just shakes his head, moving that thought aside and smiles back.

Someone was heard gasping and Alex looked to see Laf downstairs now with them. "George, mon ami!" He runs and hugs the guy who's name is George. "I see that you and Alex have met." He said, smiling and pulling away from George. He and Alexander nod.

"Yeah, uh, I kinda startled him a bit."

Alex nods. "He snuck into the house."

Laf laughed a bit. "Oh, George. Again with barging in without an invitation, I see?" He smiles.

George dramatically puts a hand to his heart and gasp. "I thought I was invited anywhere at anytime. For shame, Lafayette." This made Alexander giggle. George turns to Alex, making him stop giggling. They stare at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter and Laf joins in. After what seemed like an eternity, they all calm down from their laughter and catch their breaths.

"I'm sorry for not giving a proper introduction," George spoke first. "I'm George King." He held a hand out to Alex. He took it and they shook.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton." He replies with a big smile.

Laf cleared his throat. "George likes to switch his first and last name." He says quickly and fake coughs after, ending up laughing once again. This took Alex a moment to process what Laf had said. Once he understood, he tried to hold back a laugh, but failed to. Soon, all three men are in another fit of big laughter. Once again, they gather themselves.

George was the first to speak, once again. "Now, that was fun," He giggles. "How about we all go somewhere for lunch? I've got a place in mind. Plus, I'll be paying." He added.

Lafayette shakes his head. "No, mon ami. We will. We can pay for our own food."

George put his hands on Laf's shoulders. "You guys are here on vacation. Relax, I got this. 'Kay?"

It took Laf awhile, thinking. He sighs in defeat. "Fine, mon ami. But I'm not the one who needs this vacation. He needs it more." He smirks and points to Alexander.

He crossed his arms childishly. "Nooo, I don't." He half lies. Alexander had to be honest, he didn't want to come on this trip in the first place. But after meeting George..... Alex wanted to stay. Every time Alex tries to think about something else, he would just end up thinking about George! He barely even knows him! What is this feeling inside of him? He just couldn't put a finger on it.

Alex was pulled out of his thoughts when Laf snapped his fingers in front of his face. "Alexander, you home? Come back to Earth." He said jokingly. He blinked out of his trance.

"What'd I miss?"

George snorts. "You didn't miss anything, Alex." He giggles. Alexander blushes out of embarrassment and smiles sheepishly. Ha! This time, Alex was sure that George had blushed. But he didn't know that for sure because he turned away and avoided making eye contact with Alex. He was kinda disappointed, but just shrugged it off. He turns back to Laf.

He was smiling. "So, do you want to go to the diner or not?" Alex nods in response and smiles, too. George heads to the front door while Laf and Alex get their shoes and jackets on. They heard it was supposed to rain today, so they brought them in case. And with that, the three boys walk out of the house and out into the streets of London.

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