Change of Plans

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"Hey, James. I think there should be a little change of plan." George spoke into his phone. Alexander was at work today, leaving George alone at the apartment for a couple of hours. After the events of last with Madison and George making plans to get Alexander and Jefferson to get along; and after Samuel visiting last night, George decided to call James to go over their plan.

Madison was heard coughing on the other line for a good thirty seconds before he responded. "Why? What happened?" He asked, sounding slightly concerned and confused.

While he held his phone in one hand, George raised his other hand underneath his armpit in a half arm-cross. "Well, yeah, kinda. It's just that my ex-boyfriend came over last night and invited Alex and I to a party on Saturday night." He explained to the other male.

"Why would your ex invite you and your new boyfriend to a party?" He asked in confusion at this.

"I know, it's crazy. I don't why myself, but that's not important right now." George began. "But look, maybe if we just did the plan another time, or-" he was then cut off due to being interrupted by Madison's coughing.

He clears his throat. "Apologies, but it's fine, George." Another fit of coughing was heard before he continued. "We could just do it another time. But it's gotta be soon. Thomas and I will be leaving back to America on the Wednesday after your party."

It obviously made sense to George as he knew that the couple were only visiting for awhile. But he didn't know that they'd be leaving that soon. And today was only a Thursday. They couldn't go through with their plan on Friday, either as he and Alex would be meeting up with Samuel on that day. George softly sighs to himself and scratches his chin in thought. "Maybe we could try doing it on Monday or Tuesday, maybe?"

"I think Monday would be best, considering Thomas and I have to pack up the day before." Madison then sneezed on the other line, George replying with a "blesh you". "Thank you," the Virginian replied.

George nodded, even if Madison couldn't see him nodding. "Yeah, okay, Monday sounds great!" He smiles. George actually wanted Alex to try and get along with others as he saw his behavior over the course of time they've been together. Alex would always get angry whenever someone pissed him off or "messed up", and would always immediately hate them after that--he would even vent on and on about that certain person pissed him off! It bothered George so much! He just wanted his boyfriend to... calm down a bit sometimes, y'know? And not hate everyone.

He could hear the smile in Madison's voice on the other line. "Great!" He ended up coughing once again for the loud volume of his voice in saying that. "Well, I must go now. Thomas just arrived from the store. I can tell by the really loud rustling of bags that he has gone overboard with the macaroni and cheese again." He said this time with a low voice, chuckling softly.

George giggles. "Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye!" He said into the phone. Once Madison said his farewell, the call was ended and George sighs before collapsing onto the sofa.

He had at least an hour before Alex would get off of work, so during that free time, he chose to make some lunch while singing along to some random musical numbers. He was a little off-key for a good few minutes before getting used to the vocals.


Once finished with work, Alex head back to the apartment. He fumbled with his keys, trying the right one. Eventually he did and he unlocked and opened the door, walking in to the sound of George singing out loud to- what? Dear Evan Hansen?

He bites his bottom lip, holding in his giggles as he quietly closes the door behind him. He tiptoed down the hall and poked his head around the corner. He sees George in the kitchen and making sandwiches, while singing along to Sincerely, Me. He had to admit, George did sound amazing. Alex softly smiles and he walked out of the hallway, standing right behind George.

He stood there and waited until a good lyric came for him to barge in on.

George: Life without ya, has been hard. Hard? Has been bad. Bad? Has been rough!

Alex: KINKY!

George had jumped at Alex's booming voice and he whirls around to look at the shorter male. "Lex! Don't scare me like that!" He whined.

Alex had burst out laughing, a hand over his face. "I... I am so sorry." He laughed. "I just felt like I had to." After a few more seconds of laughter from Alex and pouting from George, Alex's laughter had died down as George finished the sandwiches. He turns off the music that was playing on his phone and handed Alex one of the sandwiches.

Alex kindly took the sandwich and began eating as well as the other. They both stood there in the kitchen in silence before George decided to break it.

"Don't forget: tomorrow we're meeting up with Samuel, okay?" He said, giving his boyfriend a look.

Alex sighs in response and lolled his head back, looking up at the ceiling before looking back at George. "Okay..."

"And on Saturday is the party. So I hope you have something sexy." George added with a tease and winking at the other male.

Alex's face goes completely red at this, his mouth agape--luckily he didn't have any food in his mouth when his jaw dropped. "GEORGE, WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled.

George had burst out laughing. In fact, he laughed so hard he ended up falling to the floor. His sandwich was already eaten completely by that time as he continued his fit. "I-I-I had to get back at you s-somehow f-for eavesdropping on me!" He said in between giggles.

The shorter male huffed and crossed his arms, his face still red as a rose. "Just... Shut up!" He covered his face with his hands as George soon managed to calm down. The taller brunette stood up from his place on the floor and he took Alex's hands in his.

"Lexi, I'm sorry. I just wanted my fun, too." He said with a small smile. Alex sighs and meets George's gaze.

He knew he couldn't stay mad at his boyfriend forever, so he hugged him and accepted his apology by mumbling into the his chest. They stayed hugging for another minute longer and before then, Alex fell asleep in George's arms.

The Britishman chuckles and kisses his head before wrapping an arm around Alex's torso and the other under his legs, lifting him up off the floor. He carried him to their room and laid him on the bed slowly and carefully. "Must've had a busy day at work, eh?" He whispered before getting under the covers himself, not even bothering to get into pajamas. Before then he was sound asleep with his arms wrapped around Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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