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That day with George was very exciting for Lafayette and Alexander. The whole time that they had spent together, Alexander was actually happy for the first time in forever! First, they went to the Backstreet Diner and had lunch there. During their time there, George had said a hilarious joke that made Lafayette snort water out of his nose. "Oh my gosh, Laf! Are you alright?" Alex had asked him in between laughs.

Laf  nodded. "It didn't even hurt." He had said with a surprised tone. This made all three of them burst into laughter.

After the diner, George had led them to the park. When arriving there, Lafayette ran straight to the playground and jumped on a swing. He nearly fell off face forward, leading to more laughter. Laf was such a child that day. After about an hour at the park, it had soon became nightfall. In which all three boys headed back to Laf and Alex's house. George thought it would be better if he went with them back to their hose in case they had gotten lost. "I know London like the back of my hand." He smirked.

"That's because you live here." Alex had pointed out, making Lafayette laugh again! 

They finally reached the house (which was not too far away from the park) and George spoke up before they went inside. "I gotta be heading back home, you guys. I don't know if I'm able to come- nah, I'm just kidding. I will be back tomorrow." George smiles.

Alex chuckles. "Alright, mon ami. Good night." Lafayette hugs George. Alexander was about to just go ahead and go inside. But instead, he is pulled into a hug. He looks up and meets George's gaze. He feels his face heat up and he quickly hugs him back to hide it. He then pulls away from the hug and smiles. Once again, Alexander thought he just saw George blush. Or was it just him hallucinating again? Like before, he brushes the thought away. The three say their good nights to each other and George walks away. 

Lafayette and Alexander head inside the house. The Caribbean just heads upstairs to his room without saying a word. The door to his room being heard closing. Now, this got Laf worrying for Alexander. What happened? Did something bad happen? Laf decides to go upstairs to check on his friend. As he is going up the stairs, he can hear Alexander groaning. Not of pain, but of annoyance. He raises a brow in confusion as he approaches the door to Alex's bedroom. he knocks on it gently. "Alexander? You alright, mon ami?"

No response.

"May I come in?"

Once again, no response.

He sighs. "I'm coming in," he opens the door slowly. "I'm opening the door." He opens the door all the way and sees Alexander asleep in his bed. He shakes his head and smiles. Lafayette walks over to the sleeping man and lays the blanket over him. "Good night, mon ami." He lightly ruffles his hair and heads towards the door to leave.

He stopped at the door frame when he heard Alex mumble, "Good night, Laf." He smiles again and closes the door to leave Alex to sleep. He heads to his own room and gets in bed himself. Wondering what tomorrow might bring. But mainly wondering why Alex acted weirdly today.


It was still night time when Alex heard Laf whisper-shouting..... Okay, it wasn't really a whisper shout. He was being way louder than that. In fact, he was yelling. Way too loud. Alexander sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. "The hell is he shouting for?" He mumbled to himself and stood up. Slowly, Alex walks to his bedroom door and opens it just a crack.

Now that he had the door open a little, Alex could hear and tell that Laf was on the phone with someone. And it's a good thing that Lafayette's door was closed, or else he would just hang up and Alex wouldn't know what's going on. 

"Why?! I already told you that I was coming to England for the month!" There was a pause. "What do you me-" Laf was cut off and everything went silent. "Oh..." was all Laf said at that moment. This time, his voice low. Something happened and Alexander knew it. But what? He was pulled out of his train of thought when he heard Laf speak. "Alright.... Well, I'm sorry for yelling at you, mon amour. Thank you, though. For everything and for telling me what happened back home." He said, softly. Laf said "my love". So clearly, Alex could tell he was on the phone with Hercules. There was another pause. "Yes, I will. Tomorrow morning." 'Tomorrow morning? What does he mean by that?'  Alexander asked himself in his head. But, of course, he will probably have to wait 'til tomorrow to find out. 

Laf sighs. "Don't worry about Alexander, mon amour. He never wanted to come in the first place.... Yes, I'm sure. He was acting... I don't know... Not himself today." Alexander's heart sank when Laf had said that. Sure, Alexander had wanted to go back to New York ever since they had arrived. But after spending time with George, he didn't want to leave. And sure, he didn't act like himself today (which he admits too). And the reason for that, he didn't know. Alexander didn't want to listen any longer, but he just couldn't go back to bed now. Not until Laf was done with his call with Herc. 

"Okay. I gotta go now. I'm tired," Laf continued. "Of course, it's night time here. I'm on a different continent, remember?" There was another pause once again before Laf chuckled. "Alright. Good night, Herc~" Yep, Laf was talking to Herc. He heard a beep, letting him know that Laf had hung up the phone. 

After a few moments of silence, Alexander sighs and quietly closes his door. He climbs back into bed and begins thinking about what he had just heard. Why did Laf sound sad after yelling at Herc? What was it that Herc said to him? Did something bad happen back in New York? Alexander wasn't sure, but he did know something had went wrong. And what did Laf mean when he said for Herc to not worry about Alexander? But the thing that bothered Alexander the most was about tomorrow. What's going to happen tomorrow morning? He wasn't pretty sure. Although, he did have an idea what might just happen in the morning.

Alexander and Lafayette were leaving England tomorrow morning...

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