When Separating Ways

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Later that morning, Alexander was the first to be up. In fact, he couldn't go back to sleep last night. He did sleep a bit here and there, but would always just end up waking up to more thinking. He was so worried for Lafayette. And yet, he still kept thinking about George, too. He was almost starting to think that all of this was his fault. If only he hadn't acted weird yesterday. If only he hadn't worked too much, they wouldn't have came to England. They would still be in New York  and whatever problems Laf was having, they wouldn't hurt George's feelings. If that did happen, at least. 

Alex was pulled out of his thoughts when there came a gentle knock to his bedroom door. "Come in." He called out, putting on a gray sweatshirt. The door slowly opens and Laf pokes his head in. 

He smiles sadly. Alex knew why, but he needed to play along. Act like he didn't hear Laf and Herc speaking last night. "What's up? You alright, Laf?" He said, sounding concerned. Which, he wasn't faking. He actually was concerned for his best friend. 

There was a long pause before Laf took a deep breath and spoke up. "Alex, mon ami.... We're leaving back to New York." He breathed out. 

Alexander was right. They were leaving England. And that was going to be today. He shakes his head. "W-wait, what? Why? You can't be serious, Laf. We just got here two nights ago." He pointed out. 

Laf nods. "I know, mon ami. But we need to. I'm sorry, but I had gotten terrible news last night." He takes in a deep breath before continuing. "I had found out that my cousin, Thomas, got in a car crash."

Now, this got Alex a bit confused and shocked. "Thomas? Do you mean as in, Thomas Jefferson? The very same person who I like to yell at?" He asked in disbelief.

Lafayette nods again, slower this time. "Yes, Alexander. The Thomas Jefferson. You- wait- you didn't know he was my cousin?" He tilts his head in confusion.

"Of course, I didn't know that. Wow, do people really not like telling me things that I need to know?" He crossed his arms. 

The Frenchman rolls his eyes and takes out the hair tie that held his hair in a ponytail. After Laf had done that, Alexander's eyes go wide and he tenses a bit. "What the actual fuck?!" Laf chuckles and smirks as he pulls his hair back up and puts it back into its previous state. Alex rubbed his eyes, thinking that his eyes were just messing with him. But, no. He shakes his head. "Okay, whatever. But, why do you have to be there for him? Doesn't he have his boyfriend, Madison?" Laf shakes his head. 

"Nope. He's gotten terribly sick once again and Herc is watching over him. Herc can't be in two places at once. Plus, his parents don't want to see him ever again, remember?"

Alex looks down and begins to feel a bit bad for Jefferson and Madison. "Oh, yeah.... I'm sorry." He mumbles.

Laf sighs and walks over to the shorter man and pulls him into a hug. "It's alright, mon ami. It isn't your fault." Alexander hugs back. They stay like that for another moment before Alex pulls away. He doesn't meet Laf's gaze and he sits down on his bed. Lafayette frowns and sits next to him. "What's wrong?" He rubs his back in a reassuring way. 

Alex sighs and shakes his head. "I... I don't know. It's just- yesterday, we were having so much fun and I was starting to like it here." He gestures to the window and to the city outside it. 

Lafayette smiles. He was starting to understand what Alexander really meant. But, he did know that Alexander didn't really know what he actually liked about being there in England. He smiles and sighs. "Look, mon petit lion. I understand what you're trying to say. If you want to stay here, that's fine. But.... You just gotta know that if you ever need me, or if you want to come back to New York, just give me call. And we can figure things out." He paused. "But, how are you going to pay the rent on this house?"

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