The Discussion

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After arriving back at their shared apartment, Alexander had told George everything about Thomas Jefferson. From the moment they first met, to the moment he and Jefferson had a big fight at graduation day. George's eyes were wide, full of shock and disbelief. Once Alexander finished venting, he finally sat on the couch next to George with his arms crossed.  "Wow." Was all George said. The two sat in silence a moment before a knock came to the door. Alexander looked over George's shoulder with a scowl on his face. Clearly, he could tell who it was at the door. George giggles a little at Alexander's expression and lightly shakes his head, kissing him on the head before answering the door himself.

He opens the door, only for it to reveal James Madison. He had a small, kind smile on his lips. He cleared his throat. "Uh, hello there. May I-" he got cut off when he coughed into his shoulder. "Excuse me," he apologized. "May I come in for just a minute, please?" 

George hesitated a bit. What if he was just trying to get in to steal something? Or to just argue with Alex? Or even worse, hit Alexander! But looking at the way Madison just smiled, it didn't seem like he was planning on doing something bad. Nor did he seem like the type of person to hurt someone. And so, George smiled back, nodding before opening the door a bit wider for him to walk in. Madison thanked him and walked into the apartment, standing in front of the couch. His gaze landed on Alexander and he looked a bit unsettled by his presence. 

He then turned towards George. "Um, I was hoping to speak to you without him being in here... please?" Madison asked a bit hesitantly. George looked between the angry Alexander Hamilton and the shy James Madison. He lightly sighs as he turns to his boyfriend. 

"Sorry, Lex." He said, the answer clear to Alexander. He sighs in response, standing from the couch with his arms still crossed. He began to stomp his way to his room until George quickly pecked him on the lips. His face goes red, considering it was awkward to him kissing his boyfriend in front of his enemy's boyfriend. But he couldn't help but softly smile, walking into his room and closing the door. The brunette then walked back over to the couch and sat down. "Would you like to sit down?" He offered to Madison, gesturing an empty spot next to him.

Madison shook his head lightly. "No thank you, I'm alright." He said and cleared his throat once again. "Now, Mr. King? I was hoping I could talk to you about... trying to get Hamilton and Thomas to get along?" He says the last half of the sentence a bit more quietly. 

"Please, call me George. And, I agree with you on that." George nods his head in agreement. "I mean, he told me all about Jefferson not too long ago, and it sounded like he was one mean guy." He said, sounding a bit unsure about it.

Surprisingly, Madison nods his head. "Yes, Thomas can be a jerk at times, but once you get to know him, he's not all that bad."

"Then why does he and Alex fight all the time?" 

Madison suddenly went silent for a bit before answering George's question. "Well, you see..." he began, trailing off a bit. "Ever since the two had met, they got on separate pages right away. They were always on different sides and Thomas never really liked it when no one agreed with him. Neither did Hamilton."

The brunette giggles a little and nods. "Yep, I can tell." He says with a smile. Madison chuckled, which then turned into a cough. He covered his mouth with his arm and pulled out a handkerchief. Once his coughing fit had calmed down, he looked back up at George, his face red. "Are you okay there, James?" George asked him out of concern.

Madison nods in response. "Yes, I am. It's just a recurring illness I have. It isn't that bad right now." He said to reassure the Englishman. "Anyways, I was thinking that if we could get Hamilton and Thomas in a place where it is just them-"

"Then maybe we could get them to at least try to get to know each other a bit, maybe." George finished for him. Madison nods with a smile. "What if we kept them locked in a closet?" He suggested. 

The short Virginian shook his head. "They'll probably think that you and I are cheating on them. You know how boyfriends are." He said with a sigh, crossing his arms loosely across his chest. 

George lightly rolls his eyes. "Tell me about it." They both laughed for a minute before becoming serious once again. "But yeah, you are right about that." He nods.

"I know. So, what I had in mind, was that we could probably keep them locked in a room big enough for them to have some space between each other. Not somewhere where it's a tight space." Madison suggested. George thought about this before nodding in agreement. And so, it was settled. Madison walked over to George and held a hand out to him with a smile plastered on his face. George took his hand and shook it. 

"So when are we going to do this?" George asked him curiously, standing from the couch and putting his hands in his jacket pockets.  Madison began to think about this in his head, a finger to his chin. It took him at least a few minutes before finally coming up with something. His head perked up and gestured for George to lean down to him. George hesitantly did so and Madison had whispered something in his ear. He nodded his head in understanding, standing back up. "Then it's a plan." He smiled. He then walked over to Alexander's bedroom door and knocked on it gently. "Lexi, you can come out now." 

Not a moment later, the door opened up and Alex ran into his arms. "I missed you..." He mumbled into George's chest. This made George giggle at Alexander as he hugged him back.

"It was only for a few minutes, Lex. Wasn't too long," he shook his head, lightly shrugging.

"It was over twenty minutes you two were talking." He pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone. His boyfriend just rolls his eyes in response and pecked him on the lips again. 

The two lovebirds were interrupted when they heard someone cough lightly to get their attention. They then turned to look at Madison. "Umm, I'm still here." He says obviously. Alexander and George both apologize in unison and giggled a little. 

The three men then walked over to the front door and Alexander opened the front door with a small smirk. "Well, it was good seeing you again, Mad Hatter. Bye bye." Madison was going to speak before he was gently pushed out the door. After doing so in getting Madison out of their apartment, Alexander shut the front door and was going to walk away before George had pulled him by the collar.

"And where do you think you're going?" George took Alexander's hand and pulled him back over to the front door. "Apologize, please," He pointed to the door.

Alexander was silent, glaring at George before heavily sighing. Sometimes, he just couldn't figure out how Goerge does it with that serious look of his. The look that always says listen-to-what-I-say-or-so-help-me-I'll-dump-you. He opens the door back up to only see Madison beginning to walk away. 'That son of a bitch was eavesdropping!' He thought to himself. George nudges his arm with his elbow, wanting him to apologize already. "Okay, I'm doing it," he mumbled. "Hey, Madison!" The Virginian looked back over his shoulder at Alexander at the mention of his name. "Sorry for pushing you out the door." 


"And for calling you Mad Hatter." He adds with a small sigh. To be honest, Alexander never liked apologizing to his enemies. And on the inside, he was gagging. Madison smirked at his apology and nodded in thanks, continuing on to his and Thomas' place. Finally! Alexander closed the door once more and headed into the kitchen. "Now come on. Let's figure something out to eat." He called out from the kitchen. 

George giggles for what seemed like third time today and shook his head, going into the kitchen himself. What a day it has been.  

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