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Today was the day. The first day. The first day without Lafayette. This was going to be really hard. Especially for Alexander. He raked a hand through his hair as he sat in his bed that next morning, thinking again. He was pulled out of his thoughts when there came a knock to his bedroom door. He lifts his head up, his eyes wide. 'Who's inside the house? It couldn't be Laf. He just left yesterday,' He thinks to himself. He stood up and walked to his door. He slowly opens it and peeks through. There's no one there. This has got to be a joke. 'There better not be any ghosts in this house.' He was half joking and half real to himself. Wow, already talking to himself now. He really is feeling lonely without anyone living in the same house as him.

Confused, Alexander just walks out of his room to look around. First, he checks Laf's not-too-old room, considering it was next door to his room. No one is in there. He checks in the bathroom. No one. He doesn't bother checking the extra bedroom because it has been locked ever since he and Laf had arrived. Instead, he just heads straight downstairs. Again, he sees no one. He looks around the place once more and still sees no one. Alexander just shrugs and heads into the kitchen and starts making himself coffee. He was pretty glad and lucky that this house even had a coffee machine.

While his coffee is getting started, he checks in the pantry to see what there is to eat. "Boo!" Alex yelped in shock and fell on his butt. He looks up and sees George looking back down at him. His face turns red and he doesn't even bother hiding his face this time. He gets up off the floor and rubs his eyes. "Holy shit, George! Why do you always have to scare me?!" He crosses his arms tries to stay serious, but a smile was able to make its way on his lips.

George giggles and just shrugs. "You're easy to scare. I could barely scare Laf. Trust me, he is one tough cookie when it comes to trying to scare him death. He just always knows where I hide."

Alexander smirked. "Maybe it's because you use the same spots to hide in." 

This made George gasp and he dramatically puts a hand to his heart like he did when they first met. "How dare you say that." Alexander giggles and rolls his eyes. He walks over to his now finished coffee and he pours it into a random mug. "So. What are your plans for today?" He asked, sitting up on the counter.

Alex sighs. "I don't know. Try to find a job, I guess. I do need one, since I'm now renting this house." He sipped some of his coffee. George smirked. "What is it?" Alex asked him, giggling lightly.

He shakes his head. "Nah. You'll probably not like the idea." 

"Tell me. I insist." He sets his mug down and leans on the counter. "Tell. Me." He smiles.

"Okay..... But you might think its stupid."

"Just tell me, George!" Alex laughs.

George chuckles. "Okay, okay. I was thinking that maybe you could come and work with me at the coffee shop." He looks away, blushing a light pink! Ha! Alex saw him blush this time! But, then again, he was blushing, too. Why? Like before, he didn't know. "Y-yeah, I know. It's a bad idea." He scratches the back of his head.

Alex shook his head frantically. "No, no. I think it's a great idea. Its better than working without any friends, anyway. Y'know what I mean?"

George nods. "Yeah, I understand. So, um, work starts tomorrow." He stutters. Alex nods, too and they both fell into silence. Alexander just drank from his coffee while George sat on the counter. After a bit of thinking, George turned back to Alex with a smile. "Do you want to go to the park?" He asked a bit nervously.

Alexander pretended to ponder. "Hmm. I don't know, what do you think?" He smirked and giggled. 

"So, that's a 'yes'?" 

Alexander giggles. "Of course, you dummy."

"I knew that." George smirks.

"Really, Georgey?" Alex finishes his coffee and rinsed his mug, putting it in the sink after. George's jaw dropped and he chuckled. 

"Do not call me that again." He warned, not able to wipe it off his face.

The Caribbean shrugs and smirks. "Whatever you say, Georgey- George." He quickly corrected himself as he gets his shoes and jacket on. And together, the boys began walking to the park.

Ever since Alex and Laf had arrived in England, it has been really cloudy. But today, it was sunny for the first time since they had arrived there. The sky was blue with only a few clouds here and there; birds sang and flew around; the trees swaying gently in the light, cool breeze. Alexander smiled, breathing in the fresh air. George looks at him and giggles.

"What?" Alex chuckles. 

George shakes his head. "Nothing. Just that you look...." He trailed off, shrugging. "I don't know. Nice." George was getting nervous now. He just couldn't explain this feeling that was inside him. All he could say is that whenever he is around Alex, he always gets butterflies in his stomach and he just feels helpless when he looks into those eyes of his. Why is he feeling these things? He shakes the thoughts away and turns to look at Alexander again. To see if he reacted to what he said. And, in fact, he was right. he did react to what he said about him. To be honest, Alex was lightly blushing. "D-did I say something wrong?"

Alexander looks back at him and shakes his head frantically. "N-no! You didn't. Its just..... Thanks for the compliment." He smiles. George is relieved and he smiles back. They continue walking though the park and finally sit down on the ground below a tree. Alex pulls his knees up to his chest and hugs them. George couldn't help but think how adorable Alex looked. Wait, what? What was he thinking? He shakes his head to get rid of the thought. "Hey, George. You alright?"

"Hm," he lifts his head and meets Alexander's eyes. "O-oh, yeah. I'm alright." He nods.



"You sure, sure?"

George giggles. "Yes!" 




"Alex, I said don't."


"Okay, that's it." George crawls over to Alex but Alex just gets up and run. "Get back here!" He then gets up himself and begins running after him.

"You'll never catch me!" Alexander shouted back at him, not looking back. He heard George laughing close behind. He tries to run faster, but George was still on his tail.

"You sure about that?!" After George had said that, Alex yelps as he's tackled by the other. The two boys start laughing and wheezing as they are both out of breath, not realizing the fact that George is hovering over Alexander. After what seemed like forever, they're breaths are finally at a normal. Alexander opens his eyes and finally notices their position. George realizes it, too. It's just like when they first met. Only, last time Alex was on top of George. But that's not the point right now. The point is, at that moment, George and Alexander both realized something that they didn't realize before. 

'I'm in love with Alexander/George,' they both thought in their minds. They did nothing. They didn't move, talk, nothing. All they did was just stare into the depths of each others eyes. 

Alex snapped out of his trance first and waved his hand in front of George's face. "U-um, c-can you get off, please?" He stutters nervously. George finally snapped out of it, too and nods frantically. He got up on his feet, careful not to step on Alex. He helped him get up and they both fell into silence once more.

George lets out a breath he didn't notice he was holding. "I-I'm gonna go back to my flat." He was about to walk away, but Alexander had grabbed his arm before he could leave. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He didn't know what to say. Should he tell him that he just realized that he was in love with him? Should he tell him to stay with him for awhile? Alex opened his mouth once more to speak, but his lips were suddenly met with another pair. It took him awhile for him to realize that George had kissed him. But the kiss last only for a brief moment before George had left Alex in a sate of shock, surprise... And longing. Alex just stood there, helpless and speechless. Not knowing what to do now. He sat down on a nearby bench and stayed there, thinking.  

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