s c h o o l

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i know that this song is about stalking but shut up the melody is cute n shit and i like this song


also GREAT now i have to wait a whole week before episode 2 of Come On! The Boyz s2 >:(     


     "Breakfast!" Jacob called.

     Eric came running down the stairs, Sunwoo, Haknyeon and Hyunjoon chasing after him. He plopped down onto his seat with a victorious smile.

     "Ha! I win!" he grinned.

     Hyunjoon stuck his tongue out at him, sitting next to him. Jacob smiled, shaking his head a little as he gave them their food. 

     "Thank you, hyung" Sunwoo chirped.

     "Mhm! Now eat up! The three of you start school today" Jacob told them.

     Hyunjoon tensed up a little at the thought of school but kept eating, ignoring the weary feeling. Everyone had joined them at the table by then, eating their breakfast. Eric frowned a little, noticing Hyunjoon poking at his food. He gave him a reassuring pat and kept eating. It was a small gesture, but Hyunjoon appreciated it.

     The three maknae's raced upstairs again to get ready for school. 

     ( so- i know that korean schools require uniforms, but i'm not gonna have them wear uniforms because i love their fashion lmaoo )

      Sunwoo was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, a cardigan and a barrette, all in black. Hyunjoon had dressed similarly, wearing a black graphic t-shirt, a denim jacket, a barrette and ripped jeans. And Eric was dressed in a simple white turtle neck and black jeans. After Hyunjoon had applied some subtle makeup, they all headed downstairs.

     "Okay! I made you guys lunch" Jacob handed them all their individual lunches "Now, you three look out for each other, okay?"

     "Yes hyung!" Eric beamed.

     The three of them nodded before rushing outside.

     Jacob sighed and watched them leave. He couldn't help but worry about them. Sangyeon seemed to notice and put an arm around his shoulders.

     "They'll be fine, Jacob" he told him.

     Jacob only responded with a pout, leaning his head on Sangyeon's shoulder, letting the older rub his arm in a comforting way.


     Eric was hopping down the sidewalk ahead of his two hyungs. Sunwoo was behind him, looking around as he listened to music, and Hyunjoon nervously trailed behind the two.

     Hyunjoon had always been the shy type, he just couldn't help but feel nervous in front of people. He kept his eyes cast to the ground, even when they approached the school. They all stepped inside, the school being pretty much empty since they were so early.

     "Okay, first things first! We need our schedules" Sunwoo said.

     "Yay! Where are they?" Eric asked.

     "They're in the office" Hyunjoon mumbled.

     "To the office!!..... where's the office?" Eric questioned.

     Sunwoo sighed and grabbed the boys wrist, Hyunjoon following as they roamed the school, trying to find the principals office. After a good five to ten minutes, they found it, wondering inside.

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