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"hi. :)"

it all started with a yellow colored sticky note, pasted on mark's locker.

"what's this?" mark mumbled to himself, detaching the piece of paper from the cold metal surface.

"probably one of your secret admirers," jeno peeked over mark's shoulder, reading what was written on the yellow paper.

"for fuck sake! stop scaring me like that!" mark placed his palm over his chest just in case his heart would jump out right then and there.

"yah what is it now?" jeno snatched the paper, not minding mark who was this near to choke him.

"that's what i thought. lemme guess, i know it's a prank you want to pull off," mark took back the piece and crumpled it, tossing it inside his locker, locking it afterward.

"as much as i jelly of your popularity but no, i would never waste my time on pranking you," jeno snorted as he walked beside mark.

yes. mark was famous in their school. he was the captain of the basketball team and it didn't matter if they were girls or boys, they would drool over mark whenever he was playing on the court or not. don't ask me why, because hey, it is mark lee we are talking about. not only he was active in sport but he was also good at studying. it was like having a perfect combination as a human.

it was not the first time he was receiving this kind of thing. some girls would give him chocolates, some boys would wait for him in the locker room after he had done practicing just to 'talk' to him and some would just straight ahead confessing their feelings face to face with him.

"could it be another secret admire of mine?" mark sighed, holding back his laughter saying those cringy words.

mark was tired of rejecting. he was not in the mood to be in a relationship.


"could be.. possibly.." jeno pretending like he was thinking, tapping his index finger on his chin. "what time does your practice end today?" jeno suddenly asked.

"at 3. why?" 

"i'll be leaving early later. sorry, i can't go home with you together,"

mark gave jeno a look, squinting his eyes to observe the creature beside him who was smiling and cheeks turning into a shade of pink.

"do you have a date with jaemin again?"

"what do you mean again? it's been-" 

"a day since you last met him. scratch that, you just met him during lunch just now," mark cut jeno's word.

"whatever. don't wait for me. i'll be home late," 

"might as well as not coming back at all," mark rolled his eyes as jeno waved at him, parting their ways.

mark knew jeno well. when jeno was out with his boyfriend, he tended to disappear the whole day. mark didn't want to know what they were doing but he was glad that jeno rarely invited jaemin to their shared apartment. because one time mark caught their horny asses making out at the couch in the living room. it took him a week to purify his brain to get rid of those images of his best friend.

right now mark was on his way to the basketball court. he needed to practice for the upcoming tournament that would be held in less than a few weeks. taking a turn to his left, mark accidentally bumped into someone causing the latter to fall on his back.

mark was still standing like a rock with a shock expression, watching the boy struggling to stand up. he felt bad as the other had a small body and he seemed weak for a boy. a sigh left mark's mouth as he offered his hand for the latter to grab.

the boy looked up at mark then to mark's hand. nervously, he touched mark's hand but pulled away a second they made contact with each other. adjusting his spectacles that slid down his nose bridge, he quickly got up and bowing towards mark.

mark didn't really know about this boy. he rarely saw him around. mark had seen him at the cafeteria during lunch but not every day. 

"are you okay?" mark questioned, tilting his head to the side to see the latter's face who had his head down, fidgeting his fingers.

mark's eyes caught the nameplate of the boy. 

lee donghyuck.

"lee donghyuck.." the name left mark's mouth softly without him knowing.

donghyuck nodded his head without sparing a glance at mark.

"sorry i didn't look where i was going" mark chuckled still looking for donghyuck's eyes but the latter kept on lowering his head, making his bangs touched the upper frame of his round spectacles as donghyuck nodded his head once again.

an awkward silence filled the air for a moment because none of them spoke and donghyuck decided to turn around and walked away from mark hurriedly.

"hm? weird," mark scratched his nape, shrugging as he continued walking toward the basketball court, not minding about the situation just now.


|to be continued|

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