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donghyuck played with the hem of his sweater as he bit his lower lip.

"it means you're getting comfortable with me," 

mark's voice made him looked up. he still couldn't believe that he just talked to mark. donghyuck thought it was insane. he even took two months to communicate orally with chenle and jisung but mark? it only took two weeks. it wasn't like he didn't appreciate the miracle but he was still astonished. maybe mark was true. donghyuck was comfortable with his presence lately. it was a good sign. donghyuck might recover one day seeing the great progress that had made. 

"mark.. i'm just glad," donghyuck said in a small voice while gazing at the canadian male.

mark was softened, "i'm glad too hyuckie.. i can hear your beautiful voice from now on."

"i-is my voice beautiful?" donghyuck asked, shocked with the statement as his cheeks were tinted with a faint red shade.

moving closer to donghyuck, mark held his face in his palms as his thumbs caressed the soft skin, "very. i love to hear it." mark looked at the tanned male lovingly.

"mark, why are you like this.." donghyuck moved mark's hands away from him. he knew his heart was beating crazy right now but he didn't want to give his heart a false hope.

"hyuck listen--"

"it's me who loves you, not you who love me. stop doing these sweet things to me if you don't mean it mark. please, i'm begging you. i don't want to get hurt," donghyuck let out a shaky breath as he looked down on his laps. he didn't want to cry right now. he didn't want to appear weak anymore.

"listen to me please?" mark took donghyuck's hands in his, giving them a light squeeze. seeing that donghyuck kept silent, he took a long breath and spoke, "actually, i don't know how to feel about you at first. the days you kept giving me those sticky notes made me curious and irritated because i was not fond with the idea of getting stalked. then i knew it was your doing and i didn't know why after i lashed out at you and making you cry i.. i felt guilty.."

"i'm sorry it's because i just want to know about you and--"

"hyuck let me finish okay?" mark smiled at the flustered male and donghyuck nodded his head. "then i just found out about your condition and it made me feel guiltier but don't get me wrong, i'm being honest when i said i want to become your friend because you're adorable and i want to know more about you, not because i pity you. and as days passed by, i become attracted to you.. in a way i can't comprehend like i feel my heart beats faster than usual, my tummy was having a whole zoo in it and then i feel like i want to protect you, i want you to be by my side and believe me donghyuck, i've never felt this towards anyone before.. and i realize that i.." mark breathed deeply and looked straight into donghyuck's eyes, "i have fallen in love with you hyuckie." 

the petite male had his mouth agape. this information was too much for him. he had never received any love confession before so he didn't know how to react. however, like a metal that was pulled by a magnet, donghyuck threw himself toward mark, hugging him as if his life was depended on him which was true. his love for the latter was a massive one.

"i love you hyuckie," mark said, wrapping his arms tightly around donghyuck's body who had his face buried in mark's neck, sniffling in happiness.

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