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it all began with a little tiny crush. donghyuck didn't know it would turn into a massive one and even more, he fell hard for the latter as days passed by. maybe mark couldn't remember the encounter he had with donghyuck but donghyuck could remember very clearly what had made him liked the canadian boy.

donghyuck once participated in a field and track event that was held last year at their school. he never wanted to join as he wasn't an active student in sport but chenle begged him to take part because his team lacked one member. that made donghyuck surprised too because chenle was also like him, never like to do sports. however, he shrugged it off and decided to join at last.

it was a relay race and donghyuck was the last runner of his team. when the baton was passed to him, he was very nervous. his anxiety built up so fast that in the middle of running he had his eyes shut. he almost reached the finishing line when suddenly he lost balance, tripping on his own shoe lace.

donghyuck felt really small. he hated the attention that was given to him. he burst out crying as his body shook violently, not caring his whole surroundings. a shadow appeared in front of him, blocking the heat of the sun that shone its light towards him.

"hey, stand up. don't cry. it's going to be okay," a voice that was sweet and velvety made donghyuck raised up his head, looking at the man who had a smile on his face.

it made his heart thumped against his chest. his vision was sure blurry due to his tears and the dirt smudge on his spectacles but this figure right in front of him was so clear on his eyes. he was a combination of cute and handsome if donghyuck was asked to describe.

donghyuck wiped his tears away and slowly getting up on his feet. lowering his head as he was afraid to make eye contact with the male, he received a soft pat on his head.

"there, there.."

donghyuck could only nod while hiccuping.

"hyuckie! oh my god come here!" chenle ran toward him and hugged him tightly, soothing the boy who started crying again.

he somehow felt bad for wanting donghyuck to join the event. how could he not? because jisung was the reason why he wanted to join. jisung was appointed to be one of the students to manage the track and field event.

"hey mark, thank you for helping my friend," chenle said.

"no biggie. it's my responsibility to make sure the event runs smoothly," mark reassured as he also had the same role as jisung at that time.

"we'll get going now," chenle bowed and brought donghyuck out of the field who was now started to calm down from sobbing.

mark.. donghyuck was sure to remember that name and his face.


another sticky note was placed on mark's locker. this time it was a green color.

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