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days had passed by and mark was still curious about the sticky notes he had been receiving lately. it bothered him more when he suspected that it was donghyuck's doing. 

"is it really him.." mark mumbled to himself while taking the can of cola he wanted to drink from the vending machine.

"him? the stalker? who? you know already?"

"fuck! can you not?!" mark hissed at the eye smiling guy appearing next to him.

"buy me one," jeno nudged mark by his shoulder, indicating for the drink.

"buy it yourself, broke ass," mark rolled his eyes, walking away from jeno.

jeno laughed half-heartedly, leaving the vending machine to get to his best friend.

"so have you found out who?" jeno snatched the can mark was holding and gulped a good amount enough to make mark pissed off.

"not yet, but i have someone in mind," mark took back his drink and hit the back of jeno's head, realizing the latter almost emptied the can.

"who? koeun? mina?" jeno spat out the names that were always getting on mark's way when it came to things like this. those two were the ones who were obsessed with mark since the day mark placed his foot in the school.

"nah, it's a boy. you know donghyuck?"

"lee donghyuck? man, that boy is weird,"

"yeah. i saw him in the locker room the time i went there to get my book," mark told, sitting at the bench placed at the school garden.

"and he ran away after that, right?" jeno added.

"how do you know?"

"dude, he's always like that. always running away. that's why i tell you he's weird,"

mark nodded his head hearing jeno's words then an idea popped out.

"jeno.. how about we hide inside the locker room and see who it is?"

"clever boy. okay, i'm in!"


donghyuck was afraid of rejection. even though he hadn't experienced being heart broken yet, he knew it would hurt him so much. mark was far from his reach. if it was not now maybe one day, he would need to give up his feeling on mark, willingly or not.

maybe it's time for me to give up.. donghyuck thought as he made his way to his desk.

yes i should.

taking out his bundle of colorful sticky notes, he chose a red color this time. he gave a sad smile once he was done with his writing and walked out of the class to the locker room.

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