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"is it normal if we like someone we just met?"

jeno rested his elbow against the locker door, supporting his head with his palm as he watched mark who was staring at his locker. mark seemed to be in deep thought. his eyes never blinked for a good 60 seconds. he still remembered the heart shaped sticky notes that donghyuck used to place at his locker door. did donghyuck still have feelings for him?

"is this donghyuck you're talking about?" 

"i just know him but i feel weird whenever i'm around him,"

"yep! definitely donghyuck," jeno clapped his hands together as if he just solved a case. "mark, we can't help it or control our heart if we like someone whether we've known them long enough or the one we just met."

"i don't know jeno. i'm still confused," mark uttered, ruffling his hair in exasperation.

"tell me, what do you feel when you're around him?" jeno crossed his arms against his chest, eyeing the canadian male with a stern look.

"u-uh, weird?" mark raised a brow, making a not sure face.

"how weird? i need details mark lee!" 

"no! i'm shy!" yes. mark was indeed a shy kitty when it came to telling people about his feeling. although jeno was his best friend, he still found it hard to talk about it.

"pfft! shy my ass! dude, just spill the tea!"

"fine!" mark closed his eyes for a while and took a deep breath, "so.. i feel like i want to protect him from anything that'll cause harm to him.. and i don't like it when anyone except his best friend, gets closer or lays their finger on him," mark remembered when lucas touched donghyuck's forehead last time. "then i feel like my heart will burst in uwus whenever he smiles at me," mark giggled when an image of a smiling donghyuck appeared in his mind. "and when he blushes, he looks so freaking cute that makes me want to squish his cheeks so hard but i won't because it'll definitely hurt him and.. and.. it hurts me whenever i see him cry and stupid me, i used to make him cried a lot before and i just can't forgive myself if i did that again and i--"

"mark, you're in love," 

"huh?" mark blinked his eyes in confusion, looking at jeno who had a proud face.

"love mark love. l o v e. ever heard of that? oh, you probably haven't. why not? because you're mark fucking lee, always rejecting people and never been in love," jeno faked laugh.

was this falling in love felt like? was mark had finally begun to open his heart to someone?

"did i fall in love with hyuckie.." mark muttered under his breath, blushing.

"it's obvious marker~ you don't have to deny your feelings and do you know what you should do now?"

mark shook his head.

"confess to him. easy peasy lemon squeezy," if jeno was sitting on a chair right now, he would look like a business man in a suit in a meeting room that just voiced out a marvelous idea with a cocky look on his face as he leaned back on the chair, fingers clasping and legs crossed.

"w-what?! isn't this too sudden?"

"yeah sudden my ass, you just wait until someone claims him as theirs," 

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