Around the World with One Direction - A Fanfiction.

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Welcome everyone to my newest story!

Beware, my stories are quite popular when I add my secret touch C:

;) enjoy! x


Le Prologue -

"So boys what do you say to the new young adults and teens trying out for the X Factor from your own experience?" The interviewer Sasha asked, holding out the mic to whoever was going to answer. The boys looked at each other briefly then all leaned forward at the same time and bust out laughing. After they had calmed down Liam grabbed the mic still looking like he wanted to laugh again.

"To anyone auditioning out there, I just want to say good luck. To have the mindset to try out is already the beginning. I wish you the best and hopefully you'll make it through." he nodded, passing the mic to Harry.

"To all the ladies out there, just stay calm. The audition isn't that bad, just keep contact with the judges and you'll be fine. Mates out there, keep it cool. Don't freak out, you came to test out your abilities so do that." Harry smiled, I'm sure tons of girls watching this right now swooned.

Niall was next, clutching the mic tightly in his pale hands. He grinned, showing off his adorable braces. "Honestly I agree with Harry on that uh, just take your time. It's all about how you perform in front of the judges, and if you pass, your already in." he slid the mic over to Louis who was making a funny face.

"Hello! All I really want to say it to give your all. That's pretty much all the judges can ask from you is that you bring your all, and if you do that, I guarantee you'll shine. Don't let the background scare you, you can't see anything past the judges anyway."he chuckled, giving the mic to the last member of the group, Zayn.

Zayn laughed shortly at something Louis whispered to him then shook his head, probably trying to clear his thoughts before he messed up on live television. "Well uh besides having everyone who's watching, think I'm probably the most mysterious guy on the planet, I think as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything. Whether it's singing, dancing, playing a sport or whatever. Just have your mind focused on it and you can't lose." he smiled into the camera.

Sasha reached for the mic with a smile lighting up her face. She flipped her hair is Harry's face causing him to blink and frown, wiping his face with his hand. "Well there you have it! One Direction wishes all of you trying out to be your best today. More with the boys after the auditions have been finished up later on. This is Sasha Weathers, on Sugarscape signing out." She grinned.

"Bye!" Louis waved all crazy like.

"Stop that Louis." Liam sighed.

"Don't mess with my mate Liam." Harry teased also waving.

"Who cares! Get ready for the auditions guys!" Niall shouted.

Zayn laughed. "Bye guys!"


extremely short! I know, I want the first chapter waaaaay longer ;)

save to your library to find out what happens next! Bye xx

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