A Race Against The Good Looking. - Chapter 2

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Thank you massively for all the reads and comments and voting. I know it's not a lot but just the fact that you guys do it makes my day 50x better. So again thank you tons! I love you all x.



Le skip :D


"Oh my god. Dudes, I'm freaking next." I cried. I started looking around again for an exit but Taylor and Sailor grabbed my arms. Ha, Sailor...Taylor..

"No Roxanna your gonna go in there and sing." Courtney pointed to the walkway.

"Noooo." I whined.

"Roxanna if you don't go in there and sing your heart out I'm going to bury you in some sand and leave you to be tortured by seagulls." Juliet grinned evilly. I struggled, starting to panic even more when I heard the sounds of people cheering. Oh god either she was doing her high point and the judges liked it, or they were judging so it was almost my turn!

"Let me go! Please guys you can't make me do this!" I tried again. The girls shook their heads well everyone but Taylor, she rolled her eyes. Luckily since I had met her an hour ago, I was used to her cranky goofy behavior so I took that as a 'No'.

The crowd got louder than one girl was walking back into the room we were in. Her eyes bright and filled with tears.

"How'd it go?" A girl asked her.

"Amazing! I got through!" she replied clutching the girls' hand. They both screamed, crying and laughing at the same time/ The reddish brown hair colored girl wiped her face still smiling.

"I knew you would Harley." The other girl replied as they walked out the room.

"And now we have contestant number 143." A voice called into a speaker. I gulped, looking at Taylor who nodded, then Juliet who grinned encouragingly, afterwards Sailor who shot me a thumbs up and lastly, Courtney who held out her hand. She pulled me towards the walkway then pushed me lightly.

"Go on Roxanna. You've got this okay?" she smiled. I nodded and waved before taking the mic that was given to me from someone in stage crew and headed into the spotlight. The crowd began cheering, I could have sworn I heard my sister and crazy best friend somewhere in there too. Demi and Cher smiled ,Simon looked at me with an intrigued expression, and Chad looked passive.

A/N : I know the judges were different but I want to use these okay?

"What's your name?" Simon got straight to the point.

"Roxanna LaBelle." I replied with a small smile, looking toward each of the judges slowly. Something sparked in Chad's eyes.

"What are you going to perform for us today Roxanna?" he asked.

"I'm going to sing 1 + 1 by Beyonce." I answered, a little more confident now. Again, cheers rose from all sides of the big room with many people clapping and shouting. Instinctively, I waved at the crowd with a bigger smile.

Demi leaned forward. "Whenever your ready Roxanna." she winked.

I nodded and opened my mouth. The words already flowing delicately from inside of me, loud and clear. Which I hope was a good thing from the way Simon's face looked.

If I ain't got nothing

I got you

If I ain't got something (I don't give a damn)

'Cause I got it with you

I don't know much about algebra (but I know)

One plus one equals two

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