Boot Camp Week 1 - Chapter Three (Part 2)

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Lost and insecure

You found me, you found me

Lying on the floor

Surounded, surrounded

Why'd you have to wait?

Where were you? Where were you?

Just a little late.. - The Fray (You Found Me)


Part 2 (:

Roxanna's point of view.

After we left Simon's office we were again surrounded by cameras and fans. The screaming we could handle though I'm pretty sure at times it was louder than others for us. We just kept walking and didn't comment on anything. I was blasting my tunes in my ear when we reached the building where we would be practicing for the weeks. I was excited, but anxious too.

"Dirty dancing in the moonlight!" I sang, swaying my hips to the music.

"Oh my god I'm nervous." Sailor blurted out.

"Why? Guys we're going to be in the top I can tell." Courtney smiles.

"Right. We all have a chance. Let's use it." Taylor smirks. I link my arms through Juliet and Taylor's, Sailor grabs Juliet's other side while Courtney gets Taylor's other side then we strut to the room where Quinn, our coach would be.  Idon't know what I was doing but somehow I made the girls start laughing.

Quinn smiled at us once we were all inside. He walked over to greet each of us giving us a hug then kiss on the cheek. "Welcome! So Simon told me you girls are letting me choose?"

"Yeah." we answered together. He nodded and pointed to the stools as he went back to his own chair. "Sit down then. I'm going to give each of you a suggested song and you'll give me a sample of the solos. From there I can determine your vocal strength which I'm hoping you all have a good amount of."

We all took seats in front of Quinn with our legs either crossed at the knees or ankles. Taylor looked determined, Juliet curiously watched him as he went through some sort of list of papers, I whistled because I was bored, Sailor and Courtney were chatting quietly. After a few minutes Quinn looked up,

"Alright then who's going to go first? We don't have a long time but I'd like to be able to work with each of you before we start your official training."

"I'll go." Taylor raised her hand. Quinn nodded, looking down at his paper once more.

"Alright, I want you to sing the solo for Set Fire To The Rain by Adele. Whenever your ready."

Taylor cleared her throat then nodded, her eyes closing as she took a deep breath.

Sometimes I wake up by the door

That heart you caught must be waiting for you

Even now when we're already over,

I can't help myself from looking for you

I set fire to the rain

And I watched it pour as I touched your face

Well it burned while I cried

Cause I heard it screamin out your name, your name

I set fire to the rain

As I threw us into the flames

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