Bootcamp Week 1 - Chapter Three

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[for all of those girls who thought they had a great thing with someone, and ended up just barely making it when they realized they didn't. The days will get brighter, you just have to believe the sun will keep shining, don't give up.]

A/N : Some touching emotional parts in this chapter.. Why am I adding them? Because I feel like it.

Deal with it.


All of group 1 and 2 we're now settled into their rooms with their roommates for the start of Bootcamp on X Factor. Luckily they let us choose since the majority of us got along with everyone and they didn't mind. They thought it would be good for us to bond all day, every day. So I got Juliet, Taylor, Sailor and Courtney in my room. We were all excited to be here, hoping that these weeks would go by with a ton of learning involved.

And boy did it.


Roxanna's point of view.

Part 1. (:

"Holy shitface. Someone stole my hair spray!" I squeaked.

"No they didn't, you gave it to your hair dresser Dylan remember?" Taylor looked up from her book with a plain expression. Oh yeah did I forget to mention that we all have personal hair dressers and stylists? So cool.

"Oh.." I grinned sheepishly. "Well where are the girls? We have to meet up with Simon in a bit so he can give us our song we'll perform on Friday."

"Sailor is down the hall. I think Courtney is still in the shower and Juliet went to get something to eat. She might be surrounded by fans though because she did leave by herself." Taylor chuckled.

"I wouldn't be surprised. It's Juliet after all, who doesn't love Juliet?"

Taylor shrugged. "People who don't like people named Juliet?" she guessed.

"Nah. There's no one like that." I laughed. "Come on start getting ready so we can meet up and go!" I shoved her off the couch. She landed face first on the ground with her book beside her, flipped over still open. She glanced up at me with a heavy sigh.

"You -

"Don't speak! Just get ready!" I shouted all army general like. I fake saluted her then marched back to my room across from hers. Our rooms are all connected to a common room, sort of like college dorms.


I skipped to myself as I pranced around my room, looking for something to wear. After deciding to stay warm and wear jeans, a long sleeve and a thick sweater I was ready to go. I had brushed my teeth and done my hair before Courtney got in the shower.

Half an hour later, Courtney was dressed, Taylor was pissed at me but dressed, Juliet was dressed and Sailor was overly bubbly and dressed. I was also dressed. We made sure we had our room keys and set off to the main building where Simon's office was.

"I feel like he's going to give us some song with a bunch of verses." I mumbled.

"You think so? I don't think he'll be that tough on us already." Sailor frowned.

"It's going to be a song maybe like three an a half minutes or something." Courtney added.

"Do you guys think we have to dance?" Taylor questioned. We all stopped talking to think about it. I was the first one to speak up again when we got to the elevator.

"I don't know.. That might depend on the song. What if he let's us choose?" I bit my lip.

"I say we still make it up to him. He's the one testing us so no point in making it easy. This is suppose to challenge us, so let him give us whatever he feels like." Taylor shrugged. We all stepped in, going back to our thoughts. When the elevator stopped we stepped out one at a time then somehow formed a line as we made our way down the large hallway.

"There they are!" Someone shouted. And the next thing we know, we're surrounded by paparazzi and cameras flashing brightly. There were so many questions and loud words being thrown at us. I put my shades on, not in the mood to deal with the paparazzi and smiled politely, pulling the girls with me through.

"Roxanna what's next for you?" one shouted.

"Courtney, I hear your a fan of Niall Horan. Would you consider dating him?" another asked. Courtney blushed but made no comment and kept walking.

"Hey guys uh we really need to get to Simon's office and we're not really use to all the cameras in the way.." I trailed off then gritted my teeth. "COULD YOU MOVE?" I growled. A lady backed away with wide eyes. "Thank you. Have a great day." I smiled cheekily with a wave of my hand.

"Did you see that lady's face when Roxanna yelled at her?" Taylor snickered, shaking her head as her curls bounced everywhere. "Priceless."

"I know she was all like RAWR DON'T MAKE ME EAT YO FACE OFF. And the lady was like OHMYGOD NO." Juliet laughed loudly. I cracked a smile, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah yeah. Well she was asking for it. I mean Jesus Christ, it was so many of them." I muttered. Taylor held open the door for us then let it fall back once we were all inside. Simon was sitting at his desk on the phone not looking too happy. When he heard us come in he gestured for us to sit down and sad something else before hanging up his phone.

"Ladies." he nodded to us with a small smile.

"Hi Simon." we all chorused with grins.

He chuckled. "Well ladies, I've decided it's up to you what song you do. You can either have my singing coaches choose or you all choose on together. What will it be?" He looks at each of us then takes out a piece of paper with a pen in his hand.

The girls and I exchange looks before I was nudged in the rib quite harshly by Sailor. She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I frowned and mouthed what? She rolled her eyes and whispered,"Let the coaches choose so we can surprise Simon." she said. I nodded.

"Uh Simon, we'll let the coaches decide."

"Great!" He claps his hands together. "You girls go head over there now. Quinn is all ready for you guys so just go back to the audition room. You'll see his door with his name on it once you get near it."

"So...that's it?" I blurt out.

"Simon merely smiles again. "It's only the beginning love. You've all got a long way to go."


 mwahahaha yes there are two parts (:




I'm so friggin tired, it's only 10:38 but I've got school tomorrow D: goodnight everyone.


OH YEAH, P.S ---

Can anyone guess which star from England I'm going to use? :)

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