Boot Camp Week 1 - Chapter Four

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A/N : This chapter is my favorite. It's why I'm so inspired to try new things and keep writing. I can only get better.. And even when I'm having a  bad day, this website is my savior. Thank you all for being my rocks, my foundation to move forward. I love you. x

 sorry for updating so late! D:


Roxanna's point of view.

The lads, my girls and me had an amazing time. We had so many jokes and laughs all in the same day. We got to hang out with our favorite boy band and get to know them. And yes, we did get spotted by the paps though people already knew we were with the boys from the video we posted while we were back at the dorms, chilling in our suite.

A few other times we hung with the boys during the week but otherwise we were working. We all had different songs, so we weren't practicing together but we gave each other feedback for our songs. We wanted each other to sound good so we could all stay in the competition. I know that we're all thinking the same thing - who's going to come out on top?

We're anxious, that's for sure but we're also determined. That's why I'm so glad to have been noticed by Sailor, then seen by the other girls. I'm pretty sure even after this, I'll remain close to these girls. It's only been a week and they're like my sisters- they're family. I wouldn't trade them for anything because they get me and I get them.

I'm actually starting to rethink being a solo artist.. I think I'd rather be in a group so I could stay with the girls. But that's only if they wanted the same thing. But that probably won't happen because the season has already begun. And here we are, all waiting in line again about to sing in front of a live audience.

"We're going to do fine." Taylor assured us. We were pacing back and forth backstage, every time we heard the crowd or the judges we froze. If the crowd was loud, obviously the person on stage was good and got good advice from the judges, which meant less of a chance for us to also get good scores.

"Yeah. We're fine." I breathed, staring at my outfit over and over in the mirror.

The doors opened and in walked the boys - One Direction that is. They said hello to all the contestants on their way over to us. Louis went straight over to Juliet, Niall went to Courtney, Zayn to Sailor, Harry to Taylor with a huge grin and Liam slowly over to me.

"Nervous?" he questioned.

"I guess you could say that." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"I think.. No nevermind I don't know. I'm scared." I gave him a small smile. He wrapped me in his arms.

"I know you guys are going to be great. You have to believe in yourself for that to happen Roxanna."

"I do...but I don't think I want the same thing anymore." I whispered back, careful to speak low so the girls wouldn't hear me. I didn't want them to feel bad for me or anything, I know we all want different things, at least now we do anyway.

"What do you want?" Liam pulled back a little to stare down at me.

"Um.. you have pretty eyes." I blurted out. He blinked at me a few times then burst out laughing. My cheeks heated as people looked over at us and began whispering. Harry and Taylor looked over at us and also began whispering. I rolled my eyes at the smirks Zayn and Sailor were giving me.

"Hey Liam, stop flirting!" Louis commented.

"We're not." I groaned, my face was now pink. And it doesn't look pretty because I'm tan. So now I'm tan and pink, like freaking strawberry and vanilla sherbet. Niall wiggled his eyebrows at us, Liam then rolled his eyes making me giggle. He reminded me of Rochelle when he did that. But of course I couldn't tell him that because then he'd ask who she was and probably want to meet her which is bad. She's one hundred percent crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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